Fantasy/Sci-fi Book recommendations revisited

I'm about halfway through "The Black Prism" by Brent Weeks. Pretty good so far, his writing reminds me of Sanderson.
Yes, I enjoyed the axis of time series. Another set of easy reads, like the Lost Fleet series. Along those lines are indeed the genre I enjoy the most.

I have also checked out most of the Baen library; I've read all but the most recent of the RCN novels. The last few, however, seem to be getting really slow and feel like they're being ghost written or that somehow the author is lacking in effort.

bumping because I'm tearing through the Lost Fleet series. I Started last week and I'm midway through book three, quite entertaining so far.
I just finished the Magician. Liked it... but I dread the series going to shit: I realized that a long time ago I read one its later books (just borrowed a random book from a friend in high school), and although I liked it I felt cheap-shotted by having the book end in a cliff hanger. The writing should be good enough for people to continue reading your shit without having to resort to that :[
I'm concerned that they all are going to be like that eventually, even if the 1st book wasn't.
Jurassic Park and its sequel, The Lost World. Both are better than the movies (which really says something for the first, in my opinion) and the second does not end with a run through San Diego.
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Just read the "Newsflesh" trilogy by Mira Grant.

Solid world building, but it got way too Lannisters-meets-Conspiracy for me.
Jurassic Park and its sequel, The Lost World. Both are better than the movies (which really says something for the first, in my opinion) and the second does not end with a run through San Diego.

read these when i was about 15 and loved them both. just solid and entertaining reads.
The one thing that bothers me most about this chart is that I've read most of the books on the left-hand side and a decent chunk of those on the right. :(

That's a sweet pic, will definitely use it when picking out my next series.

Just starting to really get into books myself (huge movie buff, but have seen so many movies, it's hard to find real gems anymore). So far I've dipped into both Fantasy and SciFi to get a feel for what I like (I think I enjoy them pretty equally at the moment). Started with the Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore, couldn't really get into the Icewind Dale Trilogy, though (probably mostly due to bad timing; I might try them again after I finish with some other stuff). Reading the Vorkosigan Saga right now and it's pretty good (on the second part of Cordeila's Honor).

I'm not sure if I really want to get into books like The Kingkiller Chronicles, Song of Fire and Ice, and The Wheel of Time because they're unfinished, though I really want to.
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Kingkiller has one more book to go, and the author is in no forseeable danger. Go for it.

Oh, and I'll mention it again since the third book is coming, The Lies of Locke Lamora and its sequel(s). Good stuff.
Yeah, dude broke the hell down after a breakup or divorce or some shit. So he's got a new girlfriend, and able to function again until he doesnt.
Has anyone read any John Varley? Would you recommend?

Fuck yeah. Ouphihichi Hotline is one of my favourite novels. The Mars books were okay, I liked the Titan series better though, more imaginative, but also very strange in parts. His short story collections were excellent as well.