Breaking: Guy steals Transport Truck in Canada, now on hour 9 of Chasing him

I'm still waiting for someone to duck into the mall or airport parking garage (ala Blues Brothers). They'd be seen on camera for sure, but it would be a good ending for someone to run to the airport, and try and hop on a leaving rental car shuttle or taxi cab.
I would put money on the fact that you've played more WoW than I have, that you have absolutely zero life as evident by hitting nearly 50,000 posts on TW, and that you lash out at people because your life is pathetic, lonely and meaningless.
it looks like the wow stuff really strikes a nerve doesn't it.

its probably the shame. the same shame that makes you attack people based on posting on a site you coulndt quit visiting.
it looks like the wow stuff really strikes a nerve doesn't it.

its probably the shame. the same shame that makes you attack people based on posting on a site you coulndt quit visiting.

I couldnt even begin to utilize the site like you do. Do you ever even leave or ever log off TW? Or is it just a constant daily spamming of F5 (known at refrieding) and grunting like Jabba The Hut at what amuses you today? You know everything about me, tell us all a bit about Pagy! How is it working in the Geek Squad, what are your parents like, how many times have you paid for sex and what's it like to have diabetes?
I'm much too incompetent for the geek squad but ironically I do have a nerd herd lanyard for my id
You make too many threads.

You're just like other posters who make too many threads with very little content: annoying.

It doesn't help that every other one is a meltdown faggoty slapfest with 2 or 3 people who call you out on it. OMG YOU HAVE THIRTY THOUSAND MORE POSTS THAN I DO! Yeah, but you have 3,000 more threads than I do. Slow it down, or try to make threads that are worth reading.
Oh you are not addicted to Hentai and have sex with a full-length body pillow? This is totally made up all of a sudden

Yeah, pretty much. What you may have inferred, incorrectly, from a sig image that I trolled the whole board with for 3 years, is on you, pal. Maybe you're projecting a little...

Whereas your entire posting history is permanent record on the forum, and speaks for itself.
