The Walking Dead - Season 2

I just finished re-watching the first season. One thing that had me cracking up was the red-neck brother with the crossbow. He had been out hunting and came back to the camp with a dozen squirrels slung across his back. Take a look at those fucking things. They're like taxidermy stuffed squirrels all stuck in poses and shit.
They lost me after that stupid vatos ep. If the show is already that stupid by the 3rd or 4th episode, it rarely ever gets better.
hurgh this is annoying

it's not bad, but like

it's so much "obviously going to happen" shit. all over again
And he didn't simply take her back to the road because...? zombies were too fast? the little girl outrun them just fine..
my problem with this series is like

it's been weeks, maybe months

can people start fucking accepting that people die in a zombie apocalypse

I would start shooting the mentally unstable people because god knows they're only a liability when shit hits the fan

like yeah I'm sure losing your daughter would suck but oh hey, the world is over, chin up, you should be dead right now

it's a miracle your stupid ass survived this long
it's not bad per se, just over typical

like they're like, oh hey first episode, better re-work in all those old typical zombie tropes of overly obvious shit that shouldn't be an issue anymore

I'm surprised they didn't start yelling, OMG what are these things?!? the dead... are alive?
fucking walking dead..

it would've been great if it was more about zombies than about family issues.

i think you would make the perfect main character for this series obi.

I don't mind the family / personal conflict stuff, it's part of what makes a good zombie series/movie

but my issue with this series right now is it's way too obvious

like "oh of course this person is going to make a noise" or shit

you think after a month or two, or however long it's been, all their close calls, fights, etc.. they would be semi-experienced

but they're acting like a bunch of people who never saw a zombie before, just because it fits the "suspense" part better