Why I left/am leaving TW

Ever seen the movie Idiocracy?

It's a TW documentary, only that dude and the hooker never wake up in the future.
I love when people claim what I said was the dumbest shit they've ever heard, then they ramble on about a bunch of dumb shit that no one cares about.
these threads are almost as good as the eleventy billion "i'm retiring from tribes" threads back in the day.

especially when someone "retired" more than once, each moment noted with a new thread about it
the onus is on you to protect yourself, not rayn.

im also still waiting for someone to explain where the idea that you have a 'right' to privacy comes from

you dont have a right to privacy here. its not about whats a right or not, its about what you want to be acceptable behavior. its about what you as a forum, collective's opinion or admin's opinion, want to be allowed or discouraged. dont think about this in terms of jm5k or whoever. im sure most these goons should be ditched just to bring the standard of the forum up. think of it more generally. on this topic, your side in this should be for all cases, not just jm5k.

what if someone gleaned a bit about Happy from a post a few years ago, thru some strategery found his name/employment? and threatened to send a link to all the emails in his dept/co about his views on blacks. those idiots receiving the emails will not be the smartest people. and even if it doesnt get him fired, or end friendships, or wont even embarrass him, is it still cool to do?

is it ok because nothing REALLY bad will happen to him? he wont lose his job, or his marriage, so really whats the harm?
is it ok because its happy's fault for giving a shit about what losers in his life think?
is it ok because he has no right to privacy here, and any member is free to do what they want?
is it ok because he himself let enough of a trail out?

i hope my keyboard diarrhea has debunked most of those by now. the first 2 are droll and too easy to repute. the last 2:

this is tw. not a public court. here you can make a custom club with custom rules to encourage a better environment. you can throw out douchebags or prevent douchey behavior by cutting down on rights otherwise given to the public. fuck that sounded like im trying too hard. let me put it this way:

you like nsfw tags right? i wouldnt fucking read this shit if there wasnt a nsfw convention that was strictly fucking enforced. should my boss be ok with a titty or two in place of a cat pic? sure. but turns out i live in an imperfect dodger-victim-world. you make those conventions so people are chill when browsing. this is the same thing. you got a custom club with custom rules man. i dont give a fuck that its someones 'right' to entrap you into a horsedick pic using bit.ly, i also dont give a fuck that i dont have a right to privacy, if someones being a douche, ban him.

your house your rules. how you make them defines how awesome the house is.
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Well i'm sorry to see you go JM5K.

I'd say that for just about anyone else here as well honestly but I did have the pleasure of meeting JM5K once years ago at a lan. Seemed like a real friendly, normal, stand up dude back then.

Another one falls victim to the schoolyard I guess.
The funny thing about Przn's posts isn't what he's saying... what he's saying makes sense and is right... what's funny is - he's the only one left who actually gives a shit to bother typing all that stuff out.

Almost everyone who'd give a fuck to either back him up or type out long, reasonable posts has either already left or are just too jaded to bother.

And anyone capable of a reasonable counter-argument is either gone or jaded, too.

I mean for fucks sake he's primarily debating gigafool.

That in itself is lulztastic :lol:
przn that's an awful lot of words to say 'wah there should be a rule against that'

begging people to 'behave acceptably' on a barely-moderated forum is like shitting into a funnel: pointless

unless you have a rule that will physically keep people who next from reading a public forum ??
The funny thing about Przn's posts isn't what he's saying... what he's saying makes sense and is right... what's funny is - he's the only one left who actually gives a shit to bother typing all that stuff out.

Almost everyone who'd give a fuck to either back him up or type out long, reasonable posts has either already left or are just too jaded to bother.

And anyone capable of a reasonable counter-argument is either gone or jaded, too.

I mean for fucks sake he's primarily debating gigafool.

That in itself is lulztastic :lol:
i said it in the first few posts. smart people condoning dumb shit because so far its only applied to bad people. they didnt really think it through.

people like to talk as long as they have rebuttals. once they have no rebuttals left they leave. this is the prob with tw sometimes. you guys find good topics but aren't really in it for the topic, just in it for the social-drama. i could be wrong.
Where is the line for you, then, gigz? When forum posters start stalking your kid at his school, or somewhere before that?
przn that's an awful lot of words to say 'wah there should be a rule against that'

begging people to 'behave acceptably' on a barely-moderated forum is like shitting into a funnel: pointless

unless you have a rule that will physically keep people who next from reading a public forum ??

so you got no qualms about nexting people at all. theres no hypocrisy or irrationality there. thats legit. i just chimed in cuz earlier in this thread for it sounded like some of you thought there were no negatives on doing this crap, and that it couldnt hurt forum quality at all.

i never spoke about what should be done. i didnt call for bans or a 5 page forum charter on nexting. you and yours' only recent response was: "what are you going to get done, sir". dont deflect, homey. the subject is on what defines asshat behavior from acceptable trolling.
what's funny is - he's the only one left who actually gives a shit to bother typing all that stuff out.

Almost everyone who'd give a fuck to either back him up or type out long, reasonable posts has either already left or are just too jaded to bother.

I miss your walls of text :(