Why I left/am leaving TW

agreed.he and dweasdl just don't belong....in a place where almost everyone belongs

Define what it takes for a person to belong to TW. Don't give me any of your usual nerd retard speak. Tell me in honest, and heartfelt words what it means to belong to this great forum called Tribal War?

you could next tehvul about his pending divorce. find linda, find the lawyer and alert them to all the shit he claims to be hiding, drugs, whatever so he can never get custody of his kids. i'm sure it can't be that hard.

Good luck to you on the Linda thing. lmao

keep dweasel, next tehvul

Yeah lets keep the child molester Dweasel around. So he can next us, and fuck our kids while they sleep while we are all raging over the DOTA Tourney.

You are one stupid fuck. Do you know that? I mean really do you understand what it means to be the retarded mother fucker that you are? Fuck TW right now you lil bitch. Im talking to you and only you. Use your brain for a chance and stop being a fucking follower you god damned drone.

Only way to rid Tehvul from TW is to next his ass back to jail where he belongs.

Yeah lets totally ignore a discussion that is important, and focus on you, and your boyfriends personal vendetta against me.
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I don't find it surprising I guess that the people are actually saying its okay to fuck with someone in real life over an internet message board. I find it disappointing but not surprising.
despite the fact that JM5K was an idiot for posting his real name and stuff like that, you shouldn't fuck with him or threaten to fuck with him IRL over shit he says here

believe it or not, some people have careers that even though they are successful in pursuing, would be damaged if their semi-private (i.e. not intended to be viewed by his employer) thoughts were brought to light. if you don't understand how that is possible, you probably have the same "career" as nigafool, i.e. cook at a restaurant
despite the fact that JM5K was an idiot for posting his real name and stuff like that, you shouldn't fuck with him or threaten to fuck with him IRL over shit he says here

believe it or not, some people have careers that even though they are successful in pursuing, would be damaged if their semi-private (i.e. not intended to be viewed by his employer) thoughts were brought to light.
despite the fact that JM5K was an idiot for posting his real name and stuff like that, you shouldn't fuck with him or threaten to fuck with him IRL over shit he says here

believe it or not, some people have careers that even though they are successful in pursuing, would be damaged if their semi-private (i.e. not intended to be viewed by his employer) thoughts were brought to light. if you don't understand how that is possible, you probably have the same "career" as nigafool, i.e. cook at a restaurant

when fraggle said 'if so and so happens im calling your employer', this shit got interesting.

everyone pignore tehvul so this thread doesnt trainwreck. this thread should be about: 1. RL bullying (nexting) 2. google bombing.
so somehow the threat of some internet person emailing your boss some shit you said on an internet forum under a pseudonym 6 years ago is going to hurt your career?

i don't get it.

before i became a writer i worked as an office manager for a general contractor, and if the owner of the company ever got an email about some crazy shit i said on TW, he'd probably have shown it to me laughing.

there has yet to be a single person from TW who has been nexted out of a job (fourstar wasn't nexted, he attacked another forum openly and they complained to his employer), and there will most likely never be.

like i said, it's psychological terrorism.

look at all these stupid fucking threads badmofo has been making ever since fraggle posted his linkedin. nothing's happened to him, but the guy has been having a meltdown ever since. he's scared of nothing.

if you want to know how nexting works, just go and try to next someone. the only reason to do it is to laugh as they freak out. what normal person is going to take the time to call their job repeatedly, come up with some huge lie to get them fired, compile years worth of damning internet evidence that makes them look like they should be fired, etc.? it's a huge waste of time.

nexting is just another form of trolling. you find some asshole who's constantly talking about themselves/being a douche/posting dumb shit no one wants to read, and you freak them out to the enjoyment of everyone on TW

and it fucking works.

look at that dude vero or w/e who i freaked out like a year ago. i found some of his info, claimed i knew his gf, said she was cheating with some random dude she was friends with on facebook, and because he was some insecure, immature queer, his relationship fell apart. but i'll tell you what, that little fucker learned a thing or two. but the whole thing was all in his head. he didn't lose his job, i never contacted anyone he knew.
despite the fact that JM5K was an idiot for posting his real name and stuff like that, you shouldn't fuck with him or threaten to fuck with him IRL over shit he says here

believe it or not, some people have careers that even though they are successful in pursuing, would be damaged if their semi-private (i.e. not intended to be viewed by his employer) thoughts were brought to light. if you don't understand how that is possible, you probably have the same "career" as nigafool, i.e. cook at a restaurant

Fucks like nigafool is the reason I send my steak back because they are too stupid to know the difference between rare, and well done.

despite the fact that JM5K was an idiot for posting his real name and stuff like that, you shouldn't fuck with him or threaten to fuck with him IRL over shit he says here

believe it or not, some people have careers that even though they are successful in pursuing, would be damaged if their semi-private (i.e. not intended to be viewed by his employer) thoughts were brought to light. if you don't understand how that is possible, you probably have the same "career" as nigafool, i.e. cook at a restaurant

Wrong. If you have a successful career and a loving family, there is no reason to continue to post here like a douchebag idiot. Grow up.

I'm sure there are plenty of people who post here that run successful lives and aren't the target of any nexting. They don't have to portray some idiotic alter ego they made for themselves 12 years ago.
you could next tehvul about his pending divorce. find linda, find the lawyer and alert them to all the shit he claims to be hiding, drugs, whatever so he can never get custody of his kids. i'm sure it can't be that hard.

either way, i have no idea why he and dweasel are not banned.

thats a pretty good idea

im not sure how he expects to gain custody of his children after abandoning his family for a year to go on a cross country tour with his gay lover who is backing his failed rap album, which is basically just a ruse to explain the fraud he is commiting with all of the hidden assets he claims to have

"oh, those houses i bought in 2010/2011 were paid for with the proceeds of my rap album i released in september of 2012, nothing to see here"
you could next tehvul about his pending divorce. find linda, find the lawyer and alert them to all the shit he claims to be hiding, drugs, whatever so he can never get custody of his kids. i'm sure it can't be that hard.

either way, i have no idea why he and dweasel are not banned.
thats a pretty good idea

im not sure how he expects to gain custody of his children after abandoning his family for a year to go on a cross country tour with his gay lover who is backing his failed rap album, which is basically just a ruse to explain the fraud he is commiting with all of the hidden assets he claims to have

"oh, those houses i bought in 2010/2011 were paid for with the proceeds of my rap album i released in september of 2012, nothing to see here"

Get back on topic, and learn how to quote properly. Nexting is the subject if you didn't already know.
I :heart: insidious,

I likes da wey E :flame: HATES onna me. :clap:

I gatz no prob. wit dat.

Nuther thang, .......... It's cool,

ya awls keepa believings wha ya awl wantz ta beleaf wha yew wauntz abba me.

Gotz rid o Teh's Momma, (She of me????)

She no mo butters me.

Now diz fuel weally "pathetic",
bites da hand dat fed 'im. :eek:

Dizz lil homo beeyatch\

Well, Uhhhhhh, ummmmmmm > :picard:
Nexting. Good, or Bad. That is the question. I am against it. It is a turn off for a lot of good posters. We need good posters. What concerns me more is what the members perceive as ok Vet behavior.

I believe from here on out TW should have a No Nexting policy in effect. Everyone gets to start fresh, and we can all find other creative ways to insult one another other than cyber bulling them.

What say you TW?
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