Tribes : Ascend

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hells yeah.

oh and nofix youre a fucking moron who wants nothing more than to cling to his 'important role' within a dead community. well fuck your selfish cunt, bitch. some of us would like a game worth playing again with a significant increase in playerbase.

p.s. the people that want that are better than you ever were or ever will be.

Okay. Well, I guess since they're better players than me, that invalidates everything. This game will rock! Thanks for setting me straight!
Ok, Sorry for the Wall of Quotes/Text, but its easier to comment on 10 pages at the same time than to try and keep up with this thread (that is mostly a repetition of every tribes thread for the past 7 years).

Thats what I'm confused about. Ok Ascend is a Tribes multiplayer successor. Tribes Universe is.... what an MMO or an MMOFPS or something else?

You cant really have "just" an MMO (although there is a classification of MMOG), but the genre has been associated with the RPG concept since UO. People say MMO but they mean MMORPG. Now there are newer gametypes that include the concept of Massively Multiplayer Online. T:U will be an MMOFPS in the likes of Planetside. There is an MMORTS/FPS Hybrid called "Kingdom Under Fire 2" which is classicifed as an MMOARTS (action) because of the FPS elements. Just clarifying for anyone else confused.

Ignoring the fact that Tribes was based on later lore and didn't use hercs for the most part ...

If you want mixed infantry, armor and air there are games like that already. Planetside and Battlefield come to mind. Tribes is not vehicle centric, it's armor centric. I'm in this for fast paced infantry action. The last thing I want to see is a herc, tank or some form of air support be THE dominant piece of gear on the field that all infantry has to run from. You only have to look at how over powered air support in both BF and T2 was to see what I'm talking about.

I agree. There is a balance to vehicles that very few games get right, specifically because they try to be "realistic" (AN F18 is inherently going to dominate a small Infantry group). However, I find it Ironic that so many T1 Elitists fail to realize that while T2 BASE had way overpowered vehicles for the physics and that they dominated the game, this was completely rectified by T2 Classic. The vehicles were perfectly balanced. Other than the very rare map with bases 3 KM apart Vehicles are completely unnecessary. Maps like Harvester have been played in top level competition with strats completely built around the vehicles, and with strats that ignore them entirely, and won both ways based on execution. I just watched a shoutcast of 1 of the T2 Tourney matches that went on uyesterday, and since 1 team had 2 shrikers the casters assumed that team would keep their base up and use them for defense. That team ignore their base, didnt keep the vpad up at all, and went massive cappers to the flag and won 8-0 in liek 10 minutes. Its a shame that T2 Base Vehicle dominance poisened so many people from ever trying T2 Again (along with the shit physics of base and UEs) that they missed out on the 1 Iteration of this game to properly balance vehicles while making them them fun and useful but not necessary in any way.

iirc the t:v engine didnt allow for the expanse that imo a tribes game needs.

This is incorrect. They just gave us shitty maps at release. THey were small. Add in an OOB grid that "Traps you inside" and it felt even smaller. Way later in the game user made maps that were much larger and flowed much like our fav t1 and t2c maps were created, and in T:V LT mod they played very similar to t1/t2c LT (cluster).

We have no idea what the game(s) will be like. We should just give them a chance. I remember the last time the Tribes devs asked TW what the next great Tribes "thing" would be and our greatest answer was a grappling hook. :lol:

The saddest part is a Grappling Hook inherently isnt a terrible Idea. In fact, it does fit right in with freedom of movement concept. However, when you make a grappling hook that works like this it is just plain retarded. (I know, I was a Grapple-Capper-Faggot from the get-go).

1) Tension of a rubber band, can be used to slingshot into routes, like a free mini DJ.

2) Enough Ammo that you can run around for 5 minutes minimum before needing more and can afford to miss shots and correct them.

3) Inability to Break the Hook/Line, even with a direct shot from the disc.

4) Ability to swing around and around a think "pole" gaining momentum the entire time without it snapping. Bare minimum it should have gotten shorter and shorted due to "wrapping around" said pole, but also if the tension strength wasnt retarded ridiculous it should break much sooner.

5) Took a weapon slot which hardly effected cappers but made LD/Chasers choose between their 3rd weapon (usually Snipe) and a grapple to try and chase close and cg.

Had the Grappler simple been a Pack or other type of "Gear/Equipment", More limited ammo/uses (or a recharge of some type) Ability to break the hook/line from the start, Way less tension (no slingshot effect at all), Easier to reach breaking point (tension) and been able to grab the flag (if its not on the stand) and reel it in it could have been awesome, and not ruined the game.

That said, the TV grappler ruined that concept for tribes in general.

I think the thing that will be missing is the "I don't care about my points" aspect of the game. Points and K/D is such a massive and retarded part of FPS these days that there is just no way they are not going to include that, and I think it really hurts the game, especially a game like Tribes where teamwork is the only thing that matters.

You know there is going to be a score System. The Key is to make sure said score system (and achievements if added- :/ ) will be done properly to encourage teamplay. An accurate point system that also rewards teamwork is entirely possible, its just not how T1 , T2 or TV did it. The key i believe is not showing deathcounts, which promotes "Strategic Suicide".

Can't help but agree. I think T2 base was a great sequel, minus the jello. T2 classic did nothing for the game in my opinion.

You keep saying this but its a contradiction for anybody who actually played Classic. All Classic did was remove the jello, replicating t1 physics as close as possible on torque, and then balanced the vehicles and weapons to the new physics set. If your Only problem with T2 was the Jello Physics, then Classic was the Perfect solution.

I do agree with you about the Key role Scripts, Modders and Mappers can and should play in this though, and that without them T1 and T2 would have 0 players instead of the small fanatical playerbases they currently do, 10+ years later. That said, you cant target a new game at that tiny playerbase, but I do think they need to give access to at minimum functional basic scripting (UIs, etc) and Mapping (BY far more important to longevity).

So why the fuck are you and everyone else still looking for it? If you are just going to proclaim over and over that "It will never happen again!", we get your damn point.

Great, ok, T1 at it's prime will never happen again. We have heard. Now why don't you stop incessantly bitching about how no game will ever be good again, and try to enjoy games for what they are. Spamming every thread related to any game that has any minute relation to tribes with the fact that it won't be T1 again got old like 5 years ago.

Games that are like tribes (or are tribes, in the case of legions) can be good games without magically making you 19 again. Not playing games because they aren't the exact same as T1 just means you are missing out on a bunch of good ones that are very similar to what you like the most.

I don't care what the tribers do. This game needs to bring in new people, people who have never played any tribes game. People who have not grown up yet, who are not jaded, who will start their own websites, who will host their own lans, who will shoutcast their own matches, who will host their own servers, who will come up with their own vision of how the franchise should continue, who will keep the community going when it hopefully comes back to life for the next 10 years.

If a tribes vet comes along for the ride then that's great but as the great grimli said in the UO beta....quite frankly we don't need you.

It'll be a great day when you faggots realize that only the dozen or so people who play T1 now, will play T1 with better graphics.

I disagree. Before skiing and comp play, T1 was still far and away the most entertaining game I've ever played.

Among shooters today, it would still be a really unique game. I think that if it were remarketed and repackaged w/ new graphics, it could take off. All it would take is a few solid reviews from Gametrailers, IGN, etc. Especially, if it includes solid tutorials and demos on finer points of the game.
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I disagree. Before skiing and comp play, T1 was still far and away the most entertaining game I've ever played.

Among shooters today, it would still be a really unique game. I think that if it were remarketed and repackaged w/ new graphics, it could take off. All it would take is a few solid reviews from Gametrailers, IGN, etc. Especially, if it includes solid tutorials and demos on finer points of the game. and it would

I follow the same logic. If the gameplay matched Tribes, but looked like a modern FPS, I don't see why it couldn't pick up where Tribes 2 left off. Tribes 2 had something like 500,000 in sales, so you know people are willing to at least try this style of gameplay.
T2 was fun imo....the problem was it did not work for prolly half the community until it was patched into oblivion. Had nice large maps and a decent feel to it.

Did not like T3 at all. Leave grappling in Quake. And the maps in caves...bleh :p

You do stuff like T1 or T2, we're good to go :)
I didn't quit after RG, I went to Fallen Lords, who still never lost to NuTz, then I went to Fallout, who still never lost to NuTz (or Wolfpack) :p

I did quit RG with all the top tier players right after TWC though, my last match with them was the one against =S3= where they took #1 from us, because me and Rask had been playing in US West and the entire rest of the team hadn't practiced any new maps in months.
T3 exists in the other universe where you can write about Vermont Logging trucks without being laughed off the interwebs
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