<StK> on Tichondrius

Roster as it stands 12/2 - 27 Knuckleheads

The people listed in italics either haven't settled on their class or have several options depending on how everything falls into place, D for damage, H for healing, T for tank. Some people are not listed due to me being unclear on their desire or lack thereof to raid at 85. Ideally, we would start with 25m runs so we could all learn the encounters as a group, then split into groups of 10 assuming we have the attendance and raid comp to support it. Tentative raid times will be 9est-12est Tues/Thurs.

Xpdnc - Eksdra (H/T)
loto - Moocielago (D)
Adrenaline - Darkndeep (D/H)
Magicalgod254 - Tehallurin (D/H)

Death Knight
$tarlight - Srsstuff (D)
Chronos - (T)
Pathogenetic - (T)

Onibus - (T)
Sigma - Extent (H)
Smaq - Poole (D/T)

TechnoDonut - Weyerbacher
Zeph - Rebuffd
JiVox - Lapflaps
MountainDewMike - Dewb


Joemamma5000 - Guild Mascot
Uno - Unoh

Masque - Masquex (D)
Smaq - Namaste (D/H)
Rochiim - Lunatiq (D)
Blotter - Jhilla (H)


JustChillin - Kazgol (D/T)
Hephastus - (T)
Tekno - Seikan (D)

TheGhost - Frijoshock (D/H)
Brokenwear - Brokenwear (H/D)
Umbral - (H)
Tekno - (D)

I will be updating this as things change over the coming weeks.
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playing on my war for cata is at like 95%. the other 5% is me messing with the 81 skill and seeing if I enjoy it any I guess. Really not feeling ENH since I resubscribed. It wasn't that glorious before and now it's just meh.
pick one char, don't list all your alts :p

i could go paladin also, i can bring him over since we only have 1 holy, i'll get schooled by extent every week, but I have ret down pretty well

depends how we're sitting on shamans
Ret sucks atm so unless level 81's introduction of Inquisition is great I'd definitely go fulltime prot if I played el paladong.

I'll be about a week behind everyone anyways. Next week when Cataclysm comes out I have 2 wrestling classes and 2 winter concerts for my kids after working 11 hour days all week so I'll play catch up after that.

Also as always if I raid with you guys I'll play whatever is needed most. I'll level all 4 of my alts and gear them as I have time (late December I have 2 weeks off so all toons should be 85 by New Years). I've never been a fan of tanking on my warrior but can play either DPS spec, and my druid will likely be resto main/feral offspec (tank) in addition to my paladin and priest dual-mains.

I'm still not sure who all will return from TC, and if they do return I know they can all be trusted to show up on time every raid night ready to get shit done so it's almost impossible to turn that down. ATM though most of the TC actively playing (besides Natural, his wife, and maybe 3 others) are from the chink 10man group of achievement whores and those raids never start on time and end in the middle of the night on Fridays and Saturdays, fuck that.
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I'm going to play whatever toon manbeef decides to play so I can show him up (while being schooled by Extent when appropriate)
Notice frijo's use of 'dps.' This is because he dies 2 minutes into a fight, on things like doomfire. His dps may be high, but his overall damage is rather low.
Anyone from beta have experience with DKs in pvp? Dark sim looks fun. I want to bring a char over for rated BGs, but I'm not sure whether to bring war or DK (also have priest and pal, but not really interested in them).