Mass Effect 2

- No I did not do any of the romance conversations. I did, though, have a really awesome shot for when you first meet Miranda (the camera followed the slow-opening door, revealing her body from the feet up) but it just didn't fit the scene in the end.

- The whole disc-swap thing is very complicated, and they tried several different configurations. I think this was about as good as we could get. I don't remember what all the issues are, though. I wasn't involved in that kind of stuff.
Burning the game now I'm pretty pumped. Sorry MuNansen, I really am, but I am a poor college student and wouldn't have bought the game anyway. At least this way more people can see your work! :sunny:

from everything i've seen of this game (havent played it yet).. it's definitely not one of those to steal. Quality games like this deserve to be paid for.
Kelly offered to feed my fish while playing Paragon male Shepard on my first play through but never did when I played Renegade female Shepard on my second play through and all my fishes died :(
Great fucking game. Didnt enjoy a video game this much in a really long time.

Anyone knows how to enable AA? It doesnt work when I enable it from Ati tray tools.
from everything i've seen of this game (havent played it yet).. it's definitely not one of those to steal. Quality games like this deserve to be paid for.

That's why I apologized for it. Like I said, if I had cash to be throwing away on video games, I'd have bought it.
Yes, we can all agree that being a poor college student grants you a free pass to steal. Your entertainment is much more important than paying for something. After all, the sheer pressure of schoolwork requires you to steal games so you can unwind. Perfectly understandable.
Yes, we can all agree that being a poor college student grants you a free pass to steal. Your entertainment is much more important than paying for something. After all, the sheer pressure of schoolwork requires you to steal games so you can unwind. Perfectly understandable.


You're a dick.
Mu -

I would like you to tell the entire development team that I bought a brand new Xbox 360 Elite just for this game.

I had the game and a modded 360 a few days before it was out - but this game is just that epic.


Jack is fucked up enough as it is. Playing with her emotions is like making fun of a holocaust survivor.

I didn't think that was the Kelly sex scene? Shep talks about having dinner with her, there really isn't any sexual connotation...unless I am missing something?
I didn't think that was the Kelly sex scene? Shep talks about having dinner with her, there really isn't any sexual connotation...unless I am missing something?

Unless there's another scene with Kelly, I interpreted dinner and the "I haven't been up that late since my college days" as you plowed.
Unless there's another scene with Kelly, I interpreted dinner and the "I haven't been up that late since my college days" as you plowed.

