Barack "fuck up the economy" obama


they sure make it out to be a big deal Obama is half black

I don't see the problem if NGFM identifies with his race either

sorry but i've taken over this thread with an actual discussion. please take your idiotic prejudices and ignorance to another thread. also, you should change your name to something that doesnt sully the 'hork' moniker. jerk.
Dac, what do you have against Obama stopping the research into Inter-Continental Weapon Systems?

Oh and found this gem, this is an idea of the intelligence we're dealing with.

while I'm unsure 8600 is the bottom

If you have money in hand right now you would a be a fucking idiot if you don't plan to invest
says the guy named after japanese kid comics

what would naruto do?

I don't know, I don't watch the show. Maybe he'd organize a raid on Wall Street executives bonus pay?

If politics were 12 hour a day point and click affair maybe you'd be better prepared to participate meaningfully in your own thread?
The war in Iraq costs hundreds of millions of dollars a day. Would you like to talk about wasteful spending now?
All the white people who voted for him should be saying, "WTF did we do?"

Yes, Bush had flaws, but this is much worse.

Are you seriously this stupid? Just curious.

Bush was in office for 8 years and managed to fuck up epically at every corner. Obama is in office for 10 days now and you're ready to crucify him based on what exactly? Oh that's right, a knee jerk reaction.
Are you seriously this stupid? Just curious.

Bush was in office for 8 years and managed to fuck up epically at every corner. Obama is in office for 10 days now and you're ready to crucify him based on what exactly? Oh that's right, ignorance and racism.

the scary thing is the government has studied depression and recession and learned from past mistakes like the Great depression and looked at other recessions as well that spending seems to be the key factor in bringing America out.

I've talked about the great depression alot before and seems to me it doesn't apply in any way shape or form in our current circumstance. Most people seem to look at the government policies regarding budgets taxes and spending and try figure out how it fixed the situation and tracing the flow of cash down to banks from the federal reserve.

Normally understanding this would bring things out of cold shock as it has done in the past, but we can't rely on lessons from history when the rest of the world has changed so much.

You will argue that we need to provide cash for businesses and start up ventures. But to go further, banks will look at the potential that these people have at making the money work and then decide whether or not to provide a loan.

Now we are giving money to people who aren't going to live up to the potential that is expected and banks have decided to keep the money rather than borrow it out to people who they know won't make the return. So the government is trying to force the money down their throats.

When obama spends this kind of money he expects it to return and get flow moving again. But his government is ignoring the fact that heavy industry in the U.S. is on it's knees and simply seems to lack the ability to compete.

I don't know if you people realize the implications of this, losing the big 3 is like losing the workhorse of your economy. They've been there since before WW2.

this whole thing is a storm, I believe. Especially when you see all the natural disasters occurring lately, and Bush himself said it was a storm. Weather it and don't do anything crazy till it's over, I say
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I just follow what Peter Schiff says

n his January 14, 2009 radio show, Schiff discussed moving out of cities in anticipation of rising crime rates, food shortages, fuel shortages, and rolling blackouts. He also mentioned the need for families to stock up on guns and ammunition as a part of what he expects. This quasi-survivalist stance demonstrates how serious he expects the unfolding economic downturn will be.[15]
So despite the fact that Obama was elected to enact bottom-up economic stimulus, we should just ignore that thing called an "election" and go back to the top-down approach we used for the last eight years that totally failed.

DacTheHork, you don't even realize how dumb you sound. I hope you come back and read this three or four years from now.
I just follow what Peter Schiff says

Pete Schiff is kind of a dolt. I read his book "crash proof" and even though he predicted the housing crisis he was totally off on almost all of his other predictions. For example, he predicted that the value of the dollar would continue to fall quickly relative to the euro (the opposite has happened). He predicted the United States economy would be hit hard but Europe would do well (also totally untrue). He predicted hyperinflation (we've experienced negative inflation, what could be actually called minor deflation).

Everything the dude says is an attempt to sell his investment advice firm's services, which is a firm that specializes in foreign stocks (gee!). He wasn't the only one to predict the housing collapse, he was just the most vocal/sky is falling guy. And its because he has something to sell you.
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I love how half the people will say obama is personally to blame for everything that happens from now on. and the other half says that anything bad that happens is due to bush and obama's plans would've succeeded pefectly if not for bush's legacy.

gonna be a fun 4/8 years
same thing happened with bush

bush supporters: clinton fucked everything up and bush is trying to fix it
bush haters: bush fucked everything up! thank goodness obama will fix it for us!
I am disappointed that after all the so called "government has studied depression and recession and learned from past mistakes like the Great depression" they think Gov spending will fix the problem.

WWII fixed the Great depression.
consultant: you have no fucking idea what fixed the great depression, but thanks for running your mouth and repeating something you heard
same thing happened with bush

bush supporters: clinton fucked everything up and bush is trying to fix it
bush haters: bush fucked everything up! thank goodness obama will fix it for us!

except clinton didnt leave office with 8 years of war under our belts and the economy circling the drain.