you want people to contribute?

i refuse to pay for a forum that hates on everything in existence. tw is something for me to do in my down time, i could live without it.
well.. fuck it.. I'll do the name changes.. You could trust me not to abuse it.. just have it set up where when people pay to get their name changed, send me a PM with the name they want.

i would do it for free.
-Dark-Angel- has severe emotional problems.
I would not trust him with any power.

His brother, on the other hand, is cool.
Even though he used to want to beat me up.

You need to spend more time around your brother.

I realize that you try to emulate him through your musical choices, but you are emo as all fuck and should be listening to Linkin Park and all of that other emo "nu metal" instead.

Maybe he'll be able to straighten you out one day.
I forget, you know everything about me..

or at least you imagine you do.. even my musical taste.. what was my favorite band again Kuray? i forget.
First they came for our Flash signatures
and I did not speak out
because I do not use Flash.
Then they came for our work-safe template
and I did not speak out
because I do not work.
Then they came for our Search
and I did not speak out
because I am Kurayami and remember all.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Rayn, have you thought of maybe automating a few of these features (if its worth it)?

So if you want to change your name or something you can just click a button and pay some $ and fill out a form.
I change names for free when reasonable but if you mean something like titles someone would have to develop it. I code for a living and to be honest the last thing I want to do when I get home is do it more.