So, uhmm, help? I just don't know what to do anymore [LONG]


Veteran XV
Ok, so this might get kind of long.

My life is sort of in the shitter. Partially because of outside factors, and partially because of poor decisions I've made. I'm not quite sure how to organize this, so I'll just type it as it comes.

Let me get the background info out of the way. I'm broke, I'm 22 years old, and I live with my mom in a not so pleasant part of Dallas, TX. Pleasant Grove to be exact. Our house and neighborhood are decent, but the crime in the area is still pretty bad. None of my friends live close. Etc. I have 50 hours of community colleg under my belt. I work at PetSmart.

Ok, so I don't know what to do. My life is just stuck in the shitter. Here's one of the major bad decisions I made. I bought a Harley Davidson. When I bought it, I had a decent job making 9.25 an hour, and some friends and family of mine all had bikes, so I thought we were all going to be going on cool rides and adventures and whatnot. Would have been worth the financial burden. Well they ALL pretty much decided that they didn't want to do this anymore, sold their bikes, and took up other random hobbies. Well I'm still stuck with mine. The payment is $380 a month. This thing really financially kicks my ass now, and since my friends and family don't have them anymore, it's essentially worthless to me. I'm still $7000 in the hole so I can't even get them to just take it back. I owe about $19,000 total on it.

Due to the management at the job getting ridiculous and purposely screwing me over on many occasions (mostly because I was too scared to ever stand up for myself, unlike other employees), I decided to quit. I was passed over on promotions. I was always made to work all holidays when others got all of them off, etc. Constantly working overtime and weekends because others were absent and didn't show up, yet I NEVER EVER missed a day or was late. They were never punished or fired for no call-no shows, many of them were even promoted over me. It was a security guard job btw.

So ever since then I can't find any places to hire me except for lame little jobs at places like Gold's Gym and Petsmart that only pay me 7 dollars an hour. I've applied to other security jobs, and higher paying jobs, but no one even wants to interview me. So I'm stuck making about $700 dollars a month, which gets quickly sucked away by bills and gas. I haven't been able to save anything up. This wouldn't be all THAT bad if I could at least find a place to work that was enjoyable and I could actually make friends at.

I tried to go to school, but got screwed over. I was going to go to the University of Texas at Dallas. Everything was looking good, until at the last minute something was messed up with the loan, and I ended up only have $1,000 dollars, which didn't even cover 1/4 of my tuition. I had to withdraw. Well now they are saying that I still owe them $800 dollars of tuition because I didn't withdraw in time.

This is not true. I found out at the very last minute that my loan stuff was messed up, so I had to go the last deadline day for a full refund to withdraw. Well the lady said she was too busy to see me, but if I came in the next day, she would make sure I wasn't charged anything. So I came in, she said she was entering the info into the computer where I wouldn't be charged. Being an idiot, I didn't get any written confirmation of this. So now they say I owe them $800, and the lady who did that apparently doesn't remember me. They won't let me apply again until this matter is taken care of. I keep trying to contact people, but they all just tell me the "matter is still up for review". It's been 6 months and people still keep blowing me off.

Who I am as a human being doesn't help. I'm very socially awkward and quiet and have very very few friends. I honestly have not made a new friend in over 2 years. I don't "know people in the right places". I don't have any skills or trade or experience in anything to help me find a better job. I'm too much of a vagina to join the military (I pussied out and quit the police academy when I tried that because it just terrified the shit out of me).

So with bad jobs, no money, few friends, no attention from females, and no excitement/things pleasant in my life, I'm all out.

I just really have no idea what the hell to do at this point. I just don't know how to change anything, or get out of my situation and into a happy/better one. So...does anyone have any ideas?

PS, please know replies telling what a fucking idiot I am. I already know this.
you know you have problems, so work on your inner game. there's nothing wrong with being quiet, just know that it won't open doors for you and that even though people say "just be yourself", sometimes that's not good enough.

everyone could use some room to improve. that might be why you got passed over for promotions to begin with. it's nasty and it sucks, but that's life. learn from it and deal with it, or be dealt with.

btw that glosses over lots like "find a better job" etc etc etc.
Due to the management at the job getting ridiculous and purposely screwing me over on many occasions (mostly because I was too scared to ever stand up for myself, unlike other employees), I decided to quit. I was passed over on promotions. I was always made to work all holidays when others got all of them off, etc. Constantly working overtime and weekends because others were absent and didn't show up, yet I NEVER EVER missed a day or was late. They were never punished or fired for no call-no shows, many of them were even promoted over me. It was a security guard job btw.

I'll give you a little secret for corporate america. The BEST workers seldom get promoted because they are the best workers. Anyone can manage so they promote the mediocre and keep the good workers where they are best for the company.

God, im starting to sound like NGFM.
I'll give you a little secret for corporate america. The BEST workers seldom get promoted because they are the best workers. Anyone can manage so they promote the mediocre and keep the good workers where they are best for the company.

God, im starting to sound like NGFM.

thats actually very accurate.
Don't worry.

work hard, and try harder. things will work out in the end.

seriously, try to be more outgoing, and outspoken - make some friends. in this world its who you know, not what you know. if you don't know anyone you're going ot have a rough rough time.

Just to let you know, an dmaybe give you some hope - a little over 3 years ago I was looking at going to jail for a long time (possibly), i had withdrawn from the univeristy, hadn't had a steady relationship in 2 years, and had basically gone hard towards drinking heavily and blowing all my money.

Now i'm making ~ 50k a year, have 2 AS degrees, am a programmer/systems administrator for a small company, looking at getting married, bought a brand new car thats almost paid off, and waiting to go towards closing on a new house.

My dad and his budy gave me some good advice, advice i followed and came true. Suck it up, stop dwelling on your fuckups. Learn from them and stop making more fuckups, get a decent girlfriend, quit caring about being 'cool', start looking for a real job, and stop drinking (among other things).

In short, learn some fucking responsibility and instead of expecting help, or blaming your problems on other people /events, go out there and earn your keep.

It worked... i hope it works for you.
As soon as you stop worrying about what other people think of you, your life will get better.
Join the armed forces.

this would cover a lot of your, eh hem, bases. get you out of your dallas shit hole, learn some skills for post-service jobs/life, meet some bros, pick up some dough for school.

plus i hear that they keep lowering the standards, so they might even take you. the Navy at least.
Get sick, get well
Hang around a ink well
Ring bell, hard to tell
If anything is goin to sell
Try hard, get barred
Get back, write braille
Get jailed, jump bail
Join the army, if you fail
Don't join the armed forces.

Fuck, thats the shitty way out imo. I thought about it, and i'm so so so so so so so incredibly happy i didn't do that. Not because I don't wan tto be in the armed forces, I always wanted to - i don't want to try to start/raise a family while in the armed forces...