Election facts

It's a good deal for Congress.
Regardless of what they do, the general public will hold the President at fault.

It's not Congress' fault, of course! They were duped! Not one of 500 people could have done anything differently!

It is a great deal for Congress. American ignorance of the workings of our government has allowed Congress to abandon its duty to debate and, even in some cases completely bail on their constitutionally required tasks like, declaring war. Ron Paul, *gasp* lol hes a doctor lol, made a great point about the American congress' absolute failure to do its job in recent history. To sum up the speech he gave on the house floor in '04 he said:

--The admin pushed for war
--Congress basically acquiesced; but instead of debating it and actually declaring war. They abdicated their responsibility to the administration and "ok'd" the war without officially declaring it.
--This actually allowed congress to step aside and blame the President if and when things went poorly, but would also allow them to take credit if things went well
--Therei s a reason the founders gave Congress the responsibility to declare war. They usurped the Constitution and failed the american people

But most people don't see it that way because they don't actually know how our gov't works at all. This type of stuff happens across the board with shit like taxes. "McCain will LOWER TAXES!!"--bullshit. Congress levies taxes, not the president.
If you don't believe in either, vote Obama. It's gonna shake the white foundation and racists might come out of the closet and lay the cards on the table once and for all. Also, the U.S. would have a far better international image, regardless of politics, if that's of interest to you.

Like the world doesnt know we have racists at this point in the game?
I'm alarmed if you're truly this cynical friend Kurayami :(

edit: Did not read thread, so if it's a troll, my bad
I think you're underestimating the significance of the president.

Aside from foreign relations and influential speeches he makes, there are thousands of offices appointed by the president, not just the supreme justices. i.e. "Brownie". And the veto power isn't something to be ignored, it does influence votes.
I think you're underestimating the significance of the president.

Aside from foreign relations and influential speeches he makes, there are thousands of offices appointed by the president, not just the supreme justices. i.e. "Brownie". And the veto power isn't something to be ignored, it does influence votes.
...and those offices are all a part of the federal bureaucracy, which is largely tethered to the executive branch.

IE., not legitimate governmental bodies.

The only truly important (and fully legitimate) appointment that the President can make is to the Supreme Court.
Fun fact:

Both of them are talking out of their ass.
The President has no say in taxes--Congress solely holds the power of taxation.
The best that either one of them can do is promise to take their tax proposal to Congress.

However, the average American is stupid and clueless, so this is lost on them and they actually think that things like "tax reform," "education reform," or "heathcare reform" are valid campaign issues.
...and those offices are all a part of the federal bureaucracy, which is largely tethered to the executive branch.

IE., not legitimate governmental bodies.

The only truly important (and fully legitimate) appointment that the President can make is to the Supreme Court.

Even if all the appointments are influenced by the federal bureaucracy, the ultimate decision comes down to the president. To use the Michael Brown example again, I don't think many presidents would have put such an unqualified person in charge of such a big position and that's just one of thousands. Anyway, you didn't respond to the influence he has on foreign affairs and the importance of the veto power.

btw- there are a few old supreme court justices, and we know how much Mccain wants to overturn Roe v Wade, that's a factor in the election.
Realism != cynicism.
Despite what some may argue.

Nor does change almost ever happen in large jumps, but rather in increments. You're basically arguing that the incremental 4/10ths of a decade change possible here is not worth it
Nor does change almost ever happen in large jumps, but rather in increments. You're basically arguing that the incremental 4/10ths of a decade change possible here is not worth it
Because there is no real meaningful change possible.

The entire system is broken.

The executive branch has usurped more power than it was ever meant to wield, and it will not release it. Bureaucracies don't shrink, they grow.

The legislative branch is absurdly corrupt, just as the legislative branch of every other republican form of government was before it. The only body that can reform Congress is Congress, and I have news for you: it isn't going to happen.

And the judicial branch? The Supreme Court was meant to arbitrate and decide constitutional issues, yet it has become little more than a game piece in the bid to reach the oval office. "Elect me and I promise to stack the bench with justices that hate fags and abortion!" It was intended to be above politics--it's now mired in them.

Absolutely nothing meaningful will happen by electing a new President.
The system is irreparably broken.
"Change" will only come when it collapses--which it will. History has shown that it will.

Then we can start anew and watch noble ideals be twisted and corrupted by greed and cronyism once again!
Because there is no real meaningful change possible.

The entire system is broken.

The executive branch has usurped more power than it was ever meant to wield, and it will not release it. Bureaucracies don't shrink, they grow.

The legislative branch is absurdly corrupt, just as the legislative branch of every other republican form of government was before it. The only body that can reform Congress is Congress, and I have news for you: it isn't going to happen.

And the judicial branch? The Supreme Court was meant to arbitrate and decide constitutional issues, yet it has become little more than a game piece in the bid to reach the oval office. "Elect me and I promise to stack the bench with justices that hate fags and abortion!" It was intended to be above politics--it's now mired in them.

Absolutely nothing meaningful will happen by electing a new President.
The system is irreparably broken.
"Change" will only come when it collapses--which it will. History has shown that it will.

Then we can start anew and watch noble ideals be twisted and corrupted by greed and cronyism once again!

Any place that you'd prefer to live?
Any place that you'd prefer to live?


All governments are corrupt.
Most are broken. I mean, the British people can't even elect their own PM because the dominant party in Parliament pulls him out of their asses. That doesn't even afford the illusion of meaningful participation at the upper levels of government.

Americans just seem to be totally blind to the shortcomings of their own government and incredibly ignorant of their inability to change it.

I like living in the US.
But at the same time I freely acknowledge that our government serves itself before the people.
How did I miss your point? I think you're underestimating the role of the president and gave a few examples, one which you responded to but didn't convince me of anything.

What Kura really meant is "Hold on, I'm reading this wiki as fast as I can!"


All governments are corrupt.
Most are broken. I mean, the British people can't even elect their own PM because the dominant party in Parliament pulls him out of their asses. That doesn't even afford the illusion of meaningful participation at the upper levels of government.

Americans just seem to be totally blind to the shortcomings of their own government and incredibly ignorant of their inability to change it.

I like living in the US.
But at the same time I freely acknowledge that our government serves itself before the people.

yes kura, only you have ever noticed the shortcomings of this government or lack of ability to change. thank god your intellect is here to educate the masses
Juggs, you're an imbecile.

Why do you even bother opening your mouth when you're incapable of contributing anything due to your handicap?

Go continue being obese and sweating profusely from the strain of sitting at a computer.