Penile reduction?

Kura seems a little jealous of all the attention Akuma's been getting lately...

Don't worry Kura, we haven't forgotten about you ;)
My girlfriends have always complained that my large penis causes them discomfort during sex. I'm thinking about getting a reduction after I'm done with school.

Does anybody have any experience with this procedure?

I have a tiny dick. I can think of nothing more awesome than augmenting my 'lil pete with Kura discards.
I've found that dipping my erect penis into a large bowl of warm, melted butter would help me enter a hole no matter the diameter. I finally found a use for that howitzer barrel.

155mm or 105mm?

I use the 155mm because the double baffle muzzle brake gives me something to hold on to and the 105 is just to tight of a squeeze.
a chick once told me she loved having sex with me because she never had to worry about getting hurt during penetration regardless of how wild or crazy she got.

i think that was just a line. (she wasn't a hooker)
If I were morbidly obese and had a small dick, I would devote 100% of my energy to losing weight in order to create the illusion of having a larger one.
If I were morbidly obese and had a small dick, I would devote 100% of my energy to losing weight in order to create the illusion of having a larger one.

I've lost 15 lbs. Another 15 and I'll be able to see my cock again. Fucking badass.
If I were morbidly obese and had a small dick, I would devote 100% of my energy to losing weight in order to create the illusion of having a larger one.

That's alot of effort for an appendage...

You have a trollishly small penis.

Better yet, let's see it. Pics or STFU...
kura's still a virgin. He just hopes if he keeps talking about gf's and calling everyone virgins that people will think he got laid.