[9/11] Let's have a discussion.

being trapped in rubble doesn't make him an expert on how this went down. it just means he was a lucky SOB because he escaped with his life.
What research have you done?

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btw i wonder how much money "loosechange911.com" is making off chumps like you

they have no motivation to lie and produce new "evidence" right
being trapped in rubble doesn't make him an expert on how this went down. it just means he was a lucky SOB because he escaped with his life.


The main part of this witness is that there were explosions going off before either plane hit.

Nothing to do with the physics of the buildings.

Just eyewitness testimony of him meeting people coming up from the elevators with their flesh hanging off (before any plane hit)
William rodriquez.. another person who was actually there.. trapped in the rubble...

Wow, yes the WTC Janitor doesn't believe the 9/11 commission report.

It's a travesty that no one is listening to the WTC Janitor.

Seriously, the WTC Janitor is a credible, educated and informed source of information regarding what happened on 9/11.

I think you're the one doing the trolling

I'm really not....

I just happen to think this is a very important issue, seeing how it is complete fraud and has transformed out country for the worse.

No big deal though, right?

carry on.
Wow, yes the WTC Janitor doesn't believe the 9/11 commission report.

It's a travesty that no one is listening to the WTC Janitor.

Seriously, the WTC Janitor is a credible, educated and informed source of information regarding what happened on 9/11.


You seriously cannot be this Dense. I mean.. really.

You're completely misinterpreting this witness.

He is an eyewitness of people coming up from the elevator (amongst others who he saved) with flesh missing off their body before any plane hit either building.

His testimony destroys the official story and was surprisingly... left out.
If you want to find evidence.

Read the official story and do research.

It's your own fault that you are WILLFULLY ignorant.

The are so many things that are beyond compelling it's surreal.

I don't want to find evidence. I want you to find it for me.

Yes, I'm willfully ignorant. Just as I know very little evidence about UFOs, Holocaust denial, and Moon Landing hoaxes, I know very little evidence about 9-11 conspiracy theories.

Life is too short to second guess something just because you're very angry that I don't believe what you believe.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and I'm telling you Mohammad and his buddies really were the ones who did 9-11.

That is a really scary response especially when you equate it to other ridiculous things that have no evidence for them.

You can't even properly define a conspiracy theory because of it's ingrained connotation.

The original official story is in fact a conspiracy theory as well, the reason for this is because "19 Hijakers conspired to fly planes into the world trade center, which is conspiratorial, and in fact a "Conspiracy theory".

You've been brainwashed by the connotation of words, and the word conspiracy theory keeps people from doing any actual research because they hear it and it's wrong by default.

Do you understand what i'm trying to tell you?
DiSk what are ur thoughts on reptilian shapeshifters and reverse vampires

i think i might have seen them outside at night but i was really tired so im not sure
That is a really scary response especially when you equate it to other ridiculous things that have no evidence for them.

You can't even properly define a conspiracy theory because of it's ingrained connotation.

The original official story is in fact a conspiracy theory as well, the reason for this is because "19 Hijakers conspired to fly planes into the world trade center, which is conspiratorial, and in fact a "Conspiracy theory".

You've been brainwashed by the connotation of words, and the word conspiracy theory keeps people from doing any actual research because they hear it and it's wrong by default.

Do you understand what i'm trying to tell you?

Quit your job, buy an AK and go out into the woods if you TRULY believe there's a vast conspiracy to controll your life.

Otherwise you're full of shit.

Also, truthers leaving civilization and moving into the woods means they can't clog up the internet tubes with tinfoil.

History question bronez:

Have there been more free or more controlled societys in the history of the world?

Answer this, and be gone.
History question bronez:

Have there been more free or more controlled societys in the history of the world?

Answer this, and be gone.

u just blew my mind

please answer my question about the role of reverse vampires in this whole thing

u are obviously very knowledgeable
How about the liberal conspiracy to make the President look bad? Masterminded by that notorious commie pinko, John McLaughlin:

McLaughlin: Let me…let me go ahead with this exit question and you can fill it in with your own point now. Exit question: Is it too soon to conclude the following about the Bush/Cheney legacy? One: They destroyed the GOP Congressional majority. Two: Tanked the value of the dollar. Three: Created unprecedented red ink in the federal budget. Four: Drew us into a quagmire in Iraq. Five: Left us with a recession and inflation. Six: Then skedaddled out of town. The question is, is it too soon to conclude that the foregoing constitutes the Bush/Cheney legacy? Zuckerman.

Zuckerman: Well, I think you probably have weighted the case just slightly, John.
Serious question:

What keeps the believers in the official report from exploring the idea that it may not have been "terrorists" at all?

Is it fear that your own country would be capable of doing something of this magnitude?

Maybe you, your family and friends have invested so much into this country by joining the military ranks and supporting government that your pride just can't accept this possibility?

Have you simply heard too many ridiculous conspiracy's that labeling this one "conspiracy" comes from habit?

My dad has been in the Navy for 20 years or so. If I told him that 9/11 was an inside job he'd probably snap my neck. This reaction would come simply from a natural defensive viewpoint. He's consumed by the belief that our country is here to serve and protect and isn't even capable of such an atrocity, so questioning it for him is 100% out of the question.

So in all honesty, what keeps you from questioning this? Seriously, I want to know.
My dad is a Vietnam Veteran..

It's the belief that our country country wouldn't do something so awful.

I've even made my dad read several books, and he now admits that WTC 7 was a controlled demoltion, but he has said "but i'll never believe we would ever do anything this horrible"