[so] pretty fucked up. [scared]

A kiss is one of the most intimate and sensuous things you can experience with another person. Unfortunately, while there’s no “right” way to kiss, many people experience anxiety about kissing or don’t know how to ask for a kiss. Fear not! Whether you’re getting ready for your first kiss, or you’re an experienced kisser and just want to improve your game for your first kiss with a new partner, you’ve come to the right place.

1 )Be kissable. Use lip balm, especially if your lips tend to get dry and chapped. Soft lips are simply more inviting. Most importantly, nobody wants to kiss someone with a stinky mouth, so carry some breath mints or gum with you, especially if you’re going out on a date. Breath mints are preferable, because you can use them in a pinch and not have to worry about getting rid of them. Be sure to stay hydrated, because a dry mouth is more likely to have bad breath. Drink water; other drinks (especially sweet ones) can leave an aftertaste that'll affect your breath, and some drinks (like milk) will linger in a bad way. Also, don't drink anything colored that might leave a ring around your mouth. And don't get herpes.
MY ex girlfriend would love to drink milk before going to sleep. That shits nasty.

People who drink milk then want to kiss should all be shot.
....and there's Ender, pretending he didn't get the herps from the black guy who fucked his gf. Who called it?