Moving Towards Tobacco Prohibition

the fucked up thing is that it's even needed.

I know people are fucking morons, but to know what tobacco does, what addiction is, and still smoke? how god damn stupid do you really have to be? And why don't we just shoot them in the face to speed things up and save the rest of us some money?
the fucked up thing is that it's even needed.

I know people are fucking morons, but to know what tobacco does, what addiction is, and still smoke? how god damn stupid do you really have to be? And why don't we just shoot them in the face to speed things up and save the rest of us some money?
end of life care is expensive no matter how you're dying (unless it's sudden and unexpected, like a car crash, or serious stroke). All smoking does it make that expense come sooner.

If everyone quit smoking, the financial benefit would be merely temporary. Let stupid/weak people kill themselves.
Ban mcdonalds food as well. We just can't take care of ourselves so the government should do it for us. Ban butter too, there's no reason for that stuff.
I know people are fucking morons, but to know what McDonalds does, what addiction is, and still eat it? how god damn stupid do you really have to be? And why don't we just shoot them in the face to speed things up and save the rest of us some money?
In other news scientists have discovered that the sun is actually a massive fusion reaction, putting out billions of rads a second. This revelation has caused an uproar in congress with several senators cosponsoring a bill to regulate all sunlight in the united states.
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uh control i got a heavy scent of tobacco coming from this car
call in the dogs and the swat team im gonna need some back up

sir i smelled tobacco now we can do this the easy way or the hard way go ahead and step out of the vehicle for me
If everyone quit smoking, the financial benefit would be merely temporary. Let stupid/weak people kill themselves.

There would be no financial benefit. If tobacco sales are stopped, what is going to replace the billions of dollars in taxes that will be lost. For every carton of cigs sold, there is 40 fucking dollars in taxes levied. a pack a day smoker buys 35 cartons a year..1400 in taxes, per smoker....they say 15% of america lets say 30 million people on average, smoke a pack a day..that is 42,000,000,000 in taxes per year....

They are gonna tax the shit out of something that will affect you sooner or later...
Ban mcdonalds food as well. We just can't take care of ourselves so the government should do it for us. Ban butter too, there's no reason for that stuff.

a cheeseburger in moderation does no harm.

every cigarette is damaging.

find a better excuse smoker.