Is 1-69 dead or what?


Veteran XX
Ive been playing again for about 2 weeks and it seems like 99% of people online are from 60-70 and that's it. I always have a LFG marker up and no one is ever doing instances it seems
On Archimonde there seems to be people doing SM instances, ZF, and BRD daily with some sunken temple and mara tossed in there, but most people just get dragged through instances by 70s, and with people using the recruit a friend system they are duel boxing lowbies and getting pulled through by a 70 more often then using lfg.
I leveled my main from 60-70 without ever setting foot inside any outland instance. It's not like it's required, and it's certainly not hard getting to 70 inside of a few weeks of very casual play. :shrug:

Besides, most people end up gearing up pvp-wise anyway or doing heroics at 70 even if there's not much point to that anymore.