Dear PessimiStick,


Veteran XV
Rogue ?

For Brutallus, we have a rogue that is insisting on trying out a hemo spec for brut, and I thought hemo has sucked balls since pre tbc. Since you are the rogue man, I figure I would ask you.

For physical DPS people, we usually run 2 tanks, enh shaman, possible feral drood, 3x hunter, 2x rogue, 1x palerdin.

I don't see hemo being that viable with the 10 charges, and how quick they would get eaten up.

The rogue in question is a fucking retard, and I thought I'd ask you.

(note, its been a 1-2 shot the past 3 weeks anyway, we're working on erdar twins, I don't know why he wants to do this all of a sudden)
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Drop the Feral for a Frenzy warrior.

No battle shout in melee group is raping your DPS *badly*.

Also, tri-spec hemo is garbage in T6, you lose a lot more personal than hemo adds to RDPS.
Your melee group is wack.

Not really, we didn't run a feral druid last night, our fury warrior has been gone (he was back last night though :D)

melee group is usually 2x rogue/warr/shaman/something else, maybe ret pally?

I don't really pay attention, I'm a holy priest, but brut usually goes down with 15-20 sec left on enrage, every time.

We use 2 warrs for tanks on brutallus, seems like its alot easier with 2 warrs instead of 1warr1drood.

I thought the whole point of a drood tank is armor cap, and the high dodge %, which with sunwell radiance aura, is kinda stupid.
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it's not unusual for me to dodge both attacks for multiple rounds when i'm tanking. so sunwell radiance isn't too bad. i got gibbed this week, though. i had burn while tanking w/ the debuff, so i took a 10 or 11k burn tick, a stomp, then both hands. total was like 27k dmg or something in a second or so :/
Your melee group is wack.
Needs more Blood Frenzy and less druids with melee, give ilotp to hunters and watch them pull 3k dps. And getting a boomkin in for imp faerie fire to help your physical DPS won't hurt either.

If you have a fury warrior and no blood frenzy then your guild is retarded.
our fury warrior moved, he has shitty internet and dc's, ugh :(

our alt tank is running fury atm, hes got good gear, but the other guy was better ;/
Get rid of your fury warrior and get a competent warrior running 33/28. You'll keep Battle Shout and a flat 4% extra damage from all your physical, which in T6+, is ridiculous.
eh, we're working on muru, killed eradar twins last week, its been going great though ;/

I don't think we have anyone geared for arms, and then getting them WF would be a pain. We honestly rely alot on ranged alot imo, not sure how thats gonna work on muru (been strategizing, spending all sun/mon night learning that fight :(, its been an easy 4-6 nights on every boss so far).
eh, we're working on muru, killed eradar twins last week, its been going great though ;/

I don't think we have anyone geared for arms, and then getting them WF would be a pain. We honestly rely alot on ranged alot imo, not sure how thats gonna work on muru (been strategizing, spending all sun/mon night learning that fight :(, its been an easy 4-6 nights on every boss so far).
It's not like there's a big difference between fury and arms gearing, you just use a 2h rather than 1h's and have to time slams instead of going afk til loot is decided.

You've already answered your issues of finding WF for an arms war by putting a feral druid in the melee group. Put the feral with the hunters and give the fury warrior a 1h and shield if he's too terrible to spec arms.