WTS 5/5 Vengeful Disc Priest


Veteran XV
I'm only a Vet1 but Flowen/Ragingbunny can vouch for me

Account does not have epic flying training, there is 3500 gold, if you want to pay for it, I can move another 4-6k+ onto it. I have lots of spare gems in the bank and 4k arena points banked // 13k honor banked.

The World of Warcraft Armory

I use 2/5 Satin 3/5 Mooncloth for stacking resilience bonuses. Kara attuned. Not sure what else to write. Don't PM me if you're a member.
ugh i don't know how to edit thread title, if tsetse reads this can you add [H] and Undead Female to the title
i started playing on original home server to play with some friends in prospects of a quality (competitive) arena team

turns out that won't happen, not much competition going on in wow so selling off
pretty amazing priest, if its PvP and transfer up, at least 500$ USD

thank you, very helpful. i guess i'll buy epic flying training and sell more arena points in the coming weeks to try to make the priest more attractive. it is PvP and the transfer is up. for anyone interested, i'm asking $550
i've still been acquiring about 1200 arena points per week. i bought the spell penetration offhand+wand so far, and holding the rest. i still have ~22k+ honor, and lots of gold. otherwise, the priest hasn't been doing much besides getting 10 a week in the 5v5.

someone please buy! $550 is a good price imo
I think it's very unlikely you'll find someone on TW willing to pay $550. If you do, then right on. If you look elsewhere (ebay and such) I'm sure you could get $550 but there's more of a risk factor and additional hassle.