[NWS] Girl I fucked around with

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"I've gotten laid many times"
Don't any of you have anything better to do than give attention to an attention whore?

I mean seriously, everyone on TW likes to act like they get laid non stop, and fuck supermodels all day, yet any time there's even the slightest possibilities of something with a vagina posting on here, you all flock immediately to the thread/irc channel/whatever :rofl:

You guys want to talk about who's pathetic? Every single fucking person drooling over her in this thread and on IRC needs to get outside and touch a girl once in a while :rofl:

Holy fucking shit, seriously, I'm dying laughing at how pathetic some of you are. Pretending like you're so smooth with the ladies, and now 95% of you can't keep your tongue in your mouth.

I'm fat, I've gotten laid many times, and never once did I stoop to a level anywhere near this low :rofl:

:nag: :nag: :nag:
You know. I bet you could trace earthquake activity to the times Jones has gotten laid. If you combine his mass and the weight of the she-beast who'd hit that, it'd probably measure an 8.5 on the richter.

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