She Made Me Mad, Now You Get To See Our Pics [NWS]

haha this shit is real... Chad (MAXX) has always been doing stupid shit like this. he's pretty obsessed with his penis. He's gotten write-ups at his job for sexual misconduct, another one at school for showing girls pictures of it on his phone... yeah he's pretty much an asshole.

but an entertaining asshole, to say the least.
The sexual harassment shit at work wans't even cool. But whatever guys, you treat everyone like shit until it's a girl then all of a sudden it's horrible to treat them like shit. My online persona isn't quite the same as I am in person, but I am an asshole and I don't really get fucked with.
tommehwut? said:
haha this shit is real... Chad (MAXX) has always been doing stupid shit like this. he's pretty obsessed with his penis. He's gotten write-ups at his job for sexual misconduct, another one at school for showing girls pictures of it on his phone... yeah he's pretty much an asshole.

but an entertaining asshole, to say the least.

This thread has more twists than the 50's.