useful commands and macro's?


Veteran X
useful commands and macro's? and other stuff?

post some :[

macro's would be nice, i dont want to be a cheater, id just like to know some good uses for them. anyone know any good ones? good sites?

here is the command list from

You can type "/a" <started by hitting the tab button> and it will scroll through all the "a" commands.

/tell <player> <message> (alias '/t') - Send a player a private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key.
/w <player> <message> - Send a player a private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key.
/chathelp (alias '/chat') - List of chat commands
/em <message> (alias '/me') - Creates an emote
/exit - Quit the game
/follow (alias '/f') - Target a player and type this. You will follow that player.
/ghelp - For a list of guild commands
/invite <player> (alias '/inv') - Invite a player to your party.
/logout - Log out of the game
/party <message> (alias '/p') - Sends a message to party chat
/played - Reports the amount of time you've played the game with that character.
/pvp - Enable your character to be attacked by other players in Player vs. Player combat.
/random <X> [Y]: Generates a random number between X and Y, if Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource.
/r - Reply to the last tell/private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key.
/say <message> (alias '/s') - Send a message to people near you
/sit - When standing, your character will sit. Your character regains health more quickly when sitting.
/stand - When sitting, your character will stand.
/who - Lists the players online.
/yell <message> (alias '/y') - Yells a message to the area around. Many players consider this to be "spam" so use it sparingly.

/cast allows you to cast spells by name. Type /cast (spell subtext) - Example: "/cast Fireball (Rank 1)". To add spell casting to a macro you can type it manually or shift-click a spell in your spell book to add the proper /cast line to the macro.

Chat Commands

/#, /c, /csay - Send text to channel # (e.g. /1 Hi!)
/announcements, /ann - Toggle join/leave announcements on a channel
/afk, /dnd - Set your Away From Keyboard or Do Not Disturb flags
/ban, /unban - Ban/unban a player from a channel
/chatlist, /chatwho, /chatinfo [channel] - List channels, or channel members
/cinvite, /chatinvite - Invite a player to a channel
/join, /channel, /chan - Join a channel
/kick - Kick a player off a channel
/leave, /chatleave, /chatexit [channel] - Leave a channel (or all channels)
/mod, /moderator, /unmod, /unmoderator - Change a player's moderator status
/moderate - Toggle moderation on a channel
/mute, /squelch, /unvoice, /unmute, /unsquelch, /voice - Change a player's permission
/password, /pass <channel> <password> - Change password

Guild Commands
Check out our guild page for guild commands.
Voice (Sounds)
The following will play a sound! There are two to three variations for each one. The voices will be different depending on your character.

/v help
/v inc - Incoming. You type this to warn your party that a monster is coming to attack
/v charge
/v flee
/v attack
/v oom - Out of mana, low on mana
/v fol - Follow Me
/v wait
/v heal
/v cheer
/v fire
/v rasp - Sticking your tongue out sound
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Ripped from another site:

1. Remove the delay of the quest text. So they show up instantly. Type those in your command line(one line at a time).


2. Any type of combat beneficial spell such as healing/buffing etc. Those should be done using the macro window and placed in the hotkey bar.

/target "player"
/cast name_of_spell(Rank #) #for example /cast Purify(rank 2)
/script TargetLastEnemy();

Basically this lets you quickly heal/buff an ally without losing your current target or waste time targeting your ally, very useful in combat when you need to heal someone quickly.

3. The opposite of this is casting on enemy targets or sic in your pet.

/cast name_of_spell(Rank #) #for example /cast ShadowBolt(Rank 4)
/script PetAttack();
/script Attack();
this is the only macro you'll ever need, you're welcome:

/script MoveForwardStart(GetTime());
/script TurnRightStart(GetTime());
/script StrafeLeftStart(GetTime());
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about the only script i've written that might be useful to other players is a script to automatically swig a health pot if your health goes below 10% of your max. If anyone wants it sbtn-placid in #wow

I'd also suggest gypsy mod as an alternative to cosmos if you don't like the bulk of cosmos. Makes it real easy to move your UI components around as you wish, and has a couple good features.

I also wrote a script that speeds up the Quest Text. Works the same as the Macro Dyno posted earlier, but the second line which is supposed to make it so you don't have to run that macro every time you restart WoW doesn't seem to work for most people. If you run gypsymod it already does this, I dunno about any of the other UI mods.
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placid said:
this is the only macro you'll ever need, you're welcome:

/script MoveForwardStart(GetTime());
/script TurnRightStart(GetTime());
/script StrafeLeftStart(GetTime());
what does that do

/script SendChatMessage("Shut up, Bitch!", "SAY", GetLanguageByIndex(0));
/cast Counterspell

yea, that's just autocirclestrafe, what's lagstrafing? and that macro is just a joke btw, it's not anything actually useful, o_O

Draynar, thx for link fix, and as far as a weapon changing macro, you can do it, but the weapons you want to change have to be in a specific slot in your inventory, here's some commands and examples to do it, you should be able to piece together whatever you need the macro to do with these commands.

-Pick up the weapon in your main hand, or 2-handed weapon
/script PickupInventoryItem(16);

-Place that weapon in the 1st slot of your last bag, This slot MUST BE EMPTY
/script PickupContainerItem(4, 1);

-Pick up a weapon in the 4th slot of your 1st bag
/script PickupContainerItem(0, 4);

-Place that weapon in your main-hand
/script PickupInventoryItem(16);

Other than that all you need to know is that 17 references your off-hand in the PickupInventoryItem function. So you can use that to equip a shield, off-hand item, or dual wield.
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placid said:

/script SendChatMessage("Shut up, Bitch!", "SAY", GetLanguageByIndex(0));
/cast Counterspell

yea, that's just autocirclestrafe, what's lagstrafing? and that macro is just a joke btw, it's not anything actually useful, o_O

Draynar, thx for link fix, and as far as a weapon changing macro, you can do it, but the weapons you want to change have to be in a specific slot in your inventory, here's some commands and examples to do it, you should be able to piece together whatever you need the macro to do with these commands.

-Pick up the weapon in your main hand, or 2-handed weapon
/script PickupInventoryItem(16);

-Place that weapon in the 1st slot of your last bag, This slot MUST BE EMPTY
/script PickupContainerItem(4, 1);

-Pick up a weapon in the 4th slot of your 1st bag
/script PickupContainerItem(0, 4);

-Place that weapon in your main-hand
/script PickupInventoryItem(16);

Other than that all you need to know is that 17 references your off-hand in the PickupInventoryItem function. So you can use that to equip a shield, off-hand item, or dual wield.

I'm going to have to use that..... Is there anyway to, for example, say who im targetting as I cast? Could be very usefull in allerting team mates who i'm pulling or silencing or polying if they aren't on vent.
Blizzard set it up so that you can only use one ability or cast one spell per macro, so unless you wanna use an external macro program, which I'm not sure whether Blizzard allows or not, you can't do that with just one keypress.