T:V. The Good, the Bad, and the Hopefuls.


Method Man

The Good:

- Graphics
- Overall game style

The bad:

- Vehicles have infinate ammo. It encourages base spam on a stupidly large scale.

At the start of a map, some newbie will jump into a Fighter and simply hold down the fire button and follow flag carriers, spam sensors, spam base entrances etc.

It ruins the game, it really does. Why on earth didn't Sierra just add vehicle ammo??? They should have less health also, make it easier to take them down. It's hard to MA a fast moving Fighter, and the chain just doesn't do enough damage. Stationary turrets are handy but are few and far between considering the scale of the maps.

- Rocket Pod

The rocket pod is nigh-on useless for vehicles (let alone players), even in the huge ship you only need strafe and every single rocket will miss you. What a pointless weapon.

- Speed (or lack of)

Too sloooooooooooow. Tribes 1 was so much fun, chasing at uber-fast speeds on maps like Snowblind (acceleration was faster in T1 also, one DiscJump and you could get on the heels of any enemy flag runner).

Sierra have taken a step back with T:V regarding speed. I never played T2, it was frustratingly slow.

- Grapple

It's TOO useful, cappers can latch on and just circle stuff, making them extremely hard to hit. Grapples should have health (the actual hook bit), and shooting the cable should bork it too. That would be great.

- Mines

Where are the god damn mines??? I'm talking about the personal mines that you can store along with grenades. Mid-air mine-discing people was one of the most satisfying things about T1. Bring it back, damnit!

The Hopefuls:

- T1 maps!

Wouldn't it be great to play on the old maps with the new engine? Couple that with faster speeds and T:V would be considerably more enjoyable over long periods of time.

Yes you can bleat at me and say how much of a T1 fanboy I am, I admit it because T1 owns all of the newer versions. Fast speeds, fast maps, mid air mine discing, all added up to a thoroughly enjoyable game, no matter how long you'd played it for.

I *do* enjoy T:V, so please refrain from stupid sub-80 IQ comments like "Don't play it then, nub!!" or whatever. I just want it to be that little bit better, and it could be, if Sierra just did a *tiny* amount of tweaking.
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BloodyShark said:
you are the first person to ever make a post like this. First person. Ever.

Look, I'm just expressing my thoughts regarding this game. If you have nothing constructive to say, don't bother.

Edit: Your comment was totally childish, and after checking your sig of a nude cartoon character, I should have expected nothing less.
BloodyShark said:
I'm hurt. Really. I am. Deep deep deep deep down my heart aches. Somewhere.

Jesus christ, do you not have anything better to do than troll forums? Don't answer that question, it'll only be another pointless sarcastic reply like your previous efforts.
Method Man said:
Look, I'm just expressing my thoughts regarding this game. If you have nothing constructive to say, don't bother.

The fact is, you post has nothing contructive to say either. You've stated opinions and you are more than entitled to them. Realize tho that others may not share them.

Pods and other vehicles aren't that big a pain once you learn some tricks to deal with them (I'm getting to the point where I actually enjoy hunting those suckers). The rocket pod is devistating when you get it down and entirely far from useless. My heavy killer equipment consits of medium armour, speedpack, buckler, blaster, and rocket pod. Damned powerful combonation. The grapler can be countered too. Try a little burner action on them spiderman wannabes. Properly deployed turrets help bring 'em some pain too.

The other point is that you haven't said anything that hasn't already been beaten to a faint smell of a bloody pulp.
Edit: Your comment was totally childish, and after checking your sig of a nude cartoon character, I should have expected nothing less.

Welcome to TW.
Expect a lot more of the same.
(He was actually perty soft on ya)
1) nude cartoon characters are ok

2) t2 was decently quick with the release of classic

3) i just ate chinese food

4) most of what you said was well put, except for speed. i've seen speeds over 500 on some maps, all you have to do is learn to play the game.
Method Man said:
At the start of a map, some newbie will jump into a Fighter and simply hold down the fire button and follow flag carriers, spam sensors, spam base entrances etc.

That's me! Finally, they made a tribes vehicles even I can use.
Method Man, you have some valid worries... but you have more that are not.

As has been said, vehicles are not really a problem once you figure out the strategies that work to combat them.

The rocket pod is a kick ass weapon - but it takes a while to figure out, and a lot longer to master. Keep working at it. Try blowing up stationary targets with it, too - like sensors... you'll be surprised how fast it kills things.

Speed can be had, you just need to know how. T1 & T2 had speed caps... TV has none that I have found yet, and the grapple allows you to change directions without losing all your speed.

Grapple has been covered as well - large area affect weapons and the burner work great to take down grapplers.

Mines... now here I agree. I miss the mines as well, and I'm not too happy with the ones we have, they are too big and bulky. Still, I must admit I kill more than my fair share of flag runners with the mines.

Two things to remember.

The heart of Tribes is teamplay. It was the first game to promote teamplay to the point that a well organized team of average skilled players would simply wipe the floor with a badly organized team of ace single players. This stays true to that ideal, no matter what else has changed, that has endured.

Last, but not least, everything you have complained about HAS been beaten to death in the forums, and therefore most of the regulars are unwilling to play nice with your post. If you go read a couple pages of posts, you'll find most of these are still even in active threads.
Rocketpod is easy against assault ship, pod is too small and rover is too fast. Pretty useful against cappers though.

Vehicles, yes. I would suggest making them more energy based, so after a while the pilot needs to stop shooting for the energy to recharge....like a newbie using all his jetpack fuel running around.
BitRaiser said:

It's called the OOB grid! Meet that sucker at 500+ and you've got a whole new meaning to the term speed cap! :p
ROFL, you're absolutely right. Although I've found you can use the OOB grid to redirect your trajectory a little without taking damage.

I didn't realize until recently that if you slam into the grid hard enough to kill yourself and you are carrying the flag, it will fall out of bounds... and return to the flag station immediately. None of this timeout stuff, either, it returns right now.
Thanks for the feedback!

I'll practice with the Rocket Pod, obviously I didn't give it enough time...

Regarding speed, I can it high speeds using the Grappler + energy pack boost, very fast, but I meant in general when skiing without those weapons / packs.

I stand by my point that vehicles shouldn't have infinate ammo though. I do appreciate that I've gone over old subjects, but they were new to me and I just wanted to get them out because they were bugging me.

Catch you around :)
Method Man said:
Jesus christ, do you not have anything better to do than troll forums? Don't answer that question, it'll only be another pointless sarcastic reply like your previous efforts.

No, I do. I just like to troll pointless threads like this. You should try not getting so upset though. It's not good for you blood pressure.
Fox said:
Vehicles, yes. I would suggest making them more energy based, so after a while the pilot needs to stop shooting for the energy to recharge....like a newbie using all his jetpack fuel running around.

Yes! I don't know why in the hell, this was not done.....