[TV] Interesting Mapping Variables


Veteran X
I was pissing around with the variables of different objects on my map (learning what is possible with the editor) and have been kind of suprised at some of the things you can change on a map-by-map basis (without a mutator).

An interesting one I found while messing with the flag (was trying to make a flag that grappled like a dynamic object (vs the way 'beta' flag-grapple worked)... came pretty close, but the flag is missing a key changeable property to make it work properly: "stationary"... as it is now you can grapple and reel-it-in slowly while it's airborn, but once it hits the ground it's unmovable)...

Anyway, on to what I stumbled across: "Hot Potato" flag variables.
"maxTimeCarried" & "damagePerSecondAfterMaxTimeCarried"

Anyone finding any other object variables that can make for unique map design?

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If you simply use maxtimecarried, you drop the flag & it goes invis, and no one can touch it :eek:

However, if you then add the damage, if the player dies, teh flag drops as normal.