[Feedback] Maps


Veteran X
Emerald :
I like Emerald, probably my favorite map. Good hills good size. I dont know how I feel about the rover, it makes it a little too easy for HO to just rape the shazbot out of your base. But that can go either way, this will probably be the Stonehenge of T:V. It would be nice if there were some more obsticles behind the base to block long range mortars from flying right into the stations. Also The BE side has a lamp post that needs to be moved or removed the Imperial side has to lamp posts on either side of the flag, the BE side has one on either side and one in front of which you run into alot if your are trying to back cap or do a 90 degree turn from the flag stand using the grappler. Also this 3rd lamp post gives them a place to put thire 3rd turret in a hard to hit spot and very close to the flag. Other than those small gripes this map kicks ass.

cliffs :
-Enclose the base more
-Remove or move out of turret range the 3rd light post on the BE side

Cavern :
Cavern if I had to pick 1 map to be removed as it is this would be it there is a laundery list of things I think need to be changed. First off TAKE OUT THE POD. The Pod is problematic on this map, especialy on the BE side I think, there is a large recess in the ceiling the, from there it can spam the flag and is impossible to hit unless you get right under it so you can get shot as well. Also the pod on a map this small is just out of place. A sensor is a must here, make it destroyable, it can be very hard to see incoming offense in the shadows of this map. The gen should be moves from where it is into the other spawn base, and mabey put the sensor where the gen is now. This would make the gen a bit harder to get to as it is right now you dont even have to get anywhere close to the gen to blow it, you can put a mortar right on the gen from well outside the building. putting it iside the other spawn area would solve this. Make the holes in the cave when your going from base to base larger, its too easy when your grappeling to just miss judge the size a little and slam into the roof instead of flying straight through. Also raise the ceiling some its just too low and take some of the freedom out of the map, raise it enough do that a light with e-pack should have to burn more than 50% of thier energy to go from the lowest spot straight up and touch the ceiling. More stalagmites, its just fun to grapple those.

cliffs :
-Take out the pod
-Add a sensor
-Move the gen to the 1 story spawn building
-Raise ceiling height
-Make the openings in the rock on either side of the map larger so you dont end up with a face full of wall as often

Isle :
Isle needs some fixes, but overall is a fun map for large servers. First and foremost put something blocking the Imp secondary spawn so people cant drive a pod or tank inside of it I have seen damn near everything parked in there from pods, to tanks, to rovers spitting out heavies. While this is funny since you cant do the same thing to the BE base its unfair and needs to be fixed. I am not a fan of this flag stand there are only 2 good ways to hit the flag, from either side, a front route just wont cut it for long, and there is no way to do a back route, rotate the stand so it sits at an angle pointing out from the base. this would open the flag alot more. Constainging possible routes alot less. Get rid of the pod at the second spawn. Smooth out the terrain a bit more.

cliffs :
-Put a barricade at the second Imperial spawn so no vehicals can enter
-Rotate the flag stand to make more capping options
-Remove pod from secondary spawn

Winterlake :
Winterlake is mostly a matter of evening out the sides. The Pheniox flag is very easy to get while the Imperial flag is considerably harder. This is because the Pheniox flag has a sloping hill followed by a low ridge on the closest hill. This lines up perfectly for going through the flag and tearing off. Though on the flip side it is easier to send HO out of the pheniox base because the terrain going to the imperial base is much more skiable. But in terms of the flag the Imperial flag sits very close to a tall hill, it is hard to drop enough altitude to get to the flag, and the other way puts you too low so you burn all of your energy crossing over the base and end up making a rather crappy get away. The close hill should be so that it is almost even with the flag stand. And smooth ther terrain a bit so that its easier to send HO. The terrain under the bases needs to be raised up so its not so common that people slam into the lip of the base and end up under water. Also the Pheniox base is more easily defended against incoming HO than the imperial base, since the entrance is alot longer and the Generator sits in a recess so that mortars are easily landed on it. The Pheniox Gen sits on a raised island it can sometimes be a pain to get the mortars, there really isnt any way to fix this at thise point in development. Too many pods, but I just dont like the pod, its just too easy to go off and spam with it.

cliffs :
-Balance the terrain on both sides so the Imperials dont have a more defencable flag stand and neither side has a large advantage in sending HO
-Raise the height of the terrain to be even with the lip of the bases
-Take out 1 Pod