I've decided to play Tribes again...


Veteran XX
and since I never played when the Conversion project was going on, I was really interested in checking it out now that I'm picking up the game again. So I download it, install it.

Biggity bam, "larmor.dts or it's related files do not match those of the servers. it is required blah blah."

I understand that thats because of overwhelming cheating, but I'm sure, as these things that I am speaking of (t2 models and lush terrains) dont over any advantage just a prettier game, that there had to have been a work-around? Or am I to do without them?

Thanks for the help.
Is this the part where we cheer and rejoice and praise Allah for your magnificent return to Tribes?
hrrrmmm, i see you just jumped from the THREAD title to the quick reply without ever reading the post or you wouldnt have made some smart-assed remark and maybe would ahve tried to answer my questions.
I'm having a server-side problem, so I'm not sure if that will work, but I'll try it. Thanks for the help.
Scuzzle said:
hrrrmmm, i see you just jumped from the THREAD title to the quick reply without ever reading the post or you wouldnt have made some smart-assed remark and maybe would ahve tried to answer my questions.
Whoops. Forgot my [sarcasm] tags.

Data said:
Is this the part where we cheer and rejoice and praise Allah for your magnificent return to Tribes?
Data has an automatic program that scans new threads and intelligently posts insultive material related to them.