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  1. V

    Those not poor and like street legal off road toys.

    Wife says I can't buy another toy till my current one is sold; FS/FT: 2012 Street Legal Dune Buggy (Plated / Reg'd) by Vermillion1 - TribalWar Forums Buy my crap. :wave:
  2. V

    FS/FT: 2012 Street Legal Dune Buggy (Plated / Reg'd)

    $5,000 firm. Will accept up to $2,500 in trades involving firearms or ammunition. Here are my specific interests in trades in order of most wanted to least wanted: #1) SCAR (5.56) or TAVOR (5.56) + Cash #2) AR-15 / AR-10 Platforms + Cash #3) Pistols + Cash #4) Revolvers + Cash #5) .22LR / 9MM...
  3. V

    How could any male not like what I am making?

    Its not like I am imitating a certain other poster who claimed they have been trying to go big for years now. I got this far all under 365 days from scratch. How could some of you possibly not like such a manly piece of weaponry? :ftard: Come on, group hug! :ladysman:
  4. V

    Getting pretty close.

    Finishing up detail work on the gen III prototype. Mainly with the internal cooling system array and wiring. Hope to go public Q4. Checks have already started arriving from clients as deposits on the first production batch. Managed to auction off two custom units for $5,000 each to bump funding...
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    Yea, so I haven't been on much.

  6. V


    That was an interesting sequence of events. :cheers:
  7. V

    I'm a redneck who likes to pretend I am in the military.

    I sleep with my guns. They have birthdays too. This one I call "Timmy". Sometimes I read Timmy bed time stories cause guns are my life and I like to secretly believe deep down my guns have a soul and will come to life. How totally cool would that be broskies? Look at the mucho bad arse...
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    SWoA = The Littles?

    Movie is based off a book: the same as this show from the 80s?
  9. V

    Rodrigo Ferraz... wtf?

    Searching completely unrelated stuff on google and I see a picture of this guy. Wait...isn't that who I think it is? So I google the name its non stop pages of steroid abuse (accusations), some sort of oil you inject in your muscles (???) and all around not so nice things. Is that really who I...
  10. V

    [lol box gun] Bitches love boxes.

    :baby: _8BDe_Dew0o
  11. V

    [redneck] Daughter's X-Mas Present(s) [/redneck]

    Pink lever action airsoft BB rifle. And a 1911 like her daddy that operates off Co2 cartridges. Plan on Duracoating it purple. :finger:
  12. V

    Hey you TW engineer types!

    I have a table top compressor thats rated for 60psi. Little quarter gallon thing. So today I daisy chained and added a 5 gallon air tank that is rated for 125psi. So google has failed me and I don't want to blow myself up... Should I still only bring the psi up to 60 or am I OK to go higher?
  13. V

    [Stage 1] Ruger Mark II Restoration [Guns?!]

    Cliffs: - Was in a flooded basement - Then it shot about 1000 rounds and was not cleaned once - I took it on as a charity case as a perfect way to showcase my newly found skills Stage 1 = Prep & Cleaning Stage 2 = Duracoated Black, new fiber optic sights and new grips :wave:
  14. V

    ITT Awwww...

    Ren & Maggie all being cuddly and stuff.
  15. V

    [Guns Guns Guns] Adventures in Duracoating. [1911]..

    So a few practice tries and I think I got into the zone on how to do this stuff. I will say the the prep work is the hardest part of all this. 1. Spray with degreaser (I used brake cleaner) 2. Sand smooth 3. Spray with degreaser again 4. Rinse with hot water (as hot as you can take it) I...
  16. V

    [lol guns] My $20 gun art [1911]

    This weekend going to be some 1"x1" boards to run a "grid" backing (painted black) so I can make sure all spacing and alignment is even. This will also allow me to move the entire thing as 1 piece as oppose to 12 pieces. Materials: - Free 2011 Ed Brown Catalog (Go to website and order it) -...
  17. V

    [Where to go?] 2d Vectored image to 3D rendering.

    Not sure if anyone here has 3d rendering skills, but I am in need of a service to take some 2D vector images and produce them in either a 3D rendering or 2D/3D professional quality sketch up. Pay is negotiable. :hurry: But seriously, no hurry - but am interested. The source image will need to...
  18. V

    Cars 2

    Just finished watching Cars 2 on demand with my daughter. So I've seen a lot of people say it was crap compared to the first one. Can someone clarify? It was just an entertaining cartoon movie about talking cars - what was the striking difference? Do people actually analyze talking cartoon...
  19. V

    Happy Birthday Ren!

    Turned 1 today. My best buddy. /tear