[Tinfoil Hat Alert] Global spy system ECHELON confirmed at last

Private contractor company's have the real hi-tech shit and top employees/hackers duh.
Gov pay is shit, private they prob make 6 figures+
Big question is who the fuck are they. NSA is in the lime light, its the private contractor companys that we don't know about are the ones to fear
Rising through the ranks? :rofl: That makes it sound like they're actually doing something and not just existing.

Anyone working in any corporation today hears the term "diversity" at least three times a week, or some sort of other pro black/hispanic/minority engineer blah blah blah. It's part of the reason I left it so quickly.

You're fucking oblivious.


Sam shits all over your idiotic posts and now you backpedal and talk about only "security contractors."

I said nothing about security contractors, retard. I said corporations. Do you not understand the difference, you dumb fuck?

it took you 3 days to come up with the retort that this thread isn't about the global spy system and nsa?

yeah that makes you look smart

just to help you out, i added some bold
i think we can now safely say you haven't, certainly not in this industry

the idea of niggers and spics rising through the ranks and taking control is beyond hilarious, because let me tell you a little secret: no fucking black people or mexicans work at these companies. and 95% of women are on the business side, not technical.

had you said "chinks and ragheads" you maybe coulda passed for having any clue at all, except chinks and ragheads never rise through the ranks because they're fucking absymal at management and communication.

you really think the geriatric ex-lt/cols that run this show want to be playing golf at a weekend summit with jamal cheryl and mohammed??

or did you think we've been talking about govt competition with walmart???
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it took you 3 days to come up with the retort that this thread isn't about the global spy system and nsa?

yeah that makes you look smart

just to help you out, i added some bold

is this really a rebuttal?

it's like saying his neckbeard isn't big enough for this conversation.

please do better
Echelon is not about spying, it is about intercepting communications and adding extra vowels into words where they are not needed.