
MC Hamster

Veteran XX
Technically, Sharklone...


Bull shark found washed up after devastation of Cyclone Debbie

fun fact: Bull sharks are some of the most adaptable fish in the sea, being able to shift their metabolism around to deal with both salt and fresh water. Presumably that guy came in on a flood but got stranded as the waters receded. Would likely have been quite fine in the actual floodwater, though.

Dogfish are dying. I used to go fishing with my grandpa when I was a kid. Used to go jigging for salmon in the Juan de Fuca Straight. Was dope because I wasn't old enough to drive but he let me steer the boat around. He sat in the back and drank beer while we sailed to a shitty spot cause all we ever fucking got were dogfish. Gramps had a homemade fish whacker. Just a hammer shaft with a golf ball nailed to the top. He raged hard whenever we reeled in a dogfish. I guess I wasn't old enough to understand back in in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table
That shark looks like it's in the middle of an existential crisis. "All I do is swim and eat, eat and swim. I don't even really like fish."
Do fish ever go jogging to mix up their workout routine? I know swimming is a good activity and low impact but they may plateau and not get maximum gains