ICC at 15%

This shit is slowly becomming the 30% nerf toward the end of BC. ICC is turning into a joke every few weeks... atleast for korgath server.
My druid with under 24 hours /played at 80 went from 2.8-5.6k gs with 2 gdkp raids and maybe 4k gold (only played the alt for 4 bosses that have rotting loot it could use, 3 of which put out) and daily heroics. In BC and TBC you could bring a shit-geared alt to maybe Karazhan but it still took awhile to gear up. It's retarded how badly the game has been dumbed down, you can carry 5 or more people in 25man raids now without slowing down too much.

And to think that buff goes all the way to 30%. It still won't stop people from failing at defile, moving from spirits, dodging malleable goo or stacking during empowered shock vortex. Our GDKP clears 11 bosses in less than 3 hours, but every LK attempt we're guaranteed to have a dead shaman and druid healer and lose another 5+ to infest before 40%. I don't see 20%, 25% or 30% buffs helping them with their lack of awareness, but they spend money and we like to get paid so I'll keep inviting them.
My old guild we were at 10/12 in 10s in 3 hours, and since I left (which is about three weeks ago) are still wiping on Sindragosa. I won't say anything in their defense, but GM and co-GM simply want their Kingslayer titles and are willing to recruit/use whoever they can to get it. The main reason why I left, but like Smaq said I could see the poor lot still wiping on Sindragosa (or even LK if they manage to get further) even with 30%.
Gogo 20% buff, our weekly PUG finally put in attempts on LK today (we put in about 45mins one night maybe a month ago as well) and got the kill. When a pug can kill 12/12 with 6hardmodes in about 4 hours, the shit is too easy. I can't wait for another 10% so melee DPS has ~50k hp raid buffed.