help: why does my internet keep breaking

open cmd and ping -t routerip
when inet goes down, can you still ping router?

swap ports, cables if possible, see if it still happens

is tv on wifi or plugged in? actually same question for your computer
oh yeah log into comcast account and turn off free comcast hotspot, google how to do it. probably not related but its something most ppl with comcast don't know about
this seems pretty common, have been plagued by this around my area in several places over many years. could be one of many things:

router issues. are you downloading/torrenting? too many connections and a lot of routers basically freeze up. you can test this by connecting straight from modem to pc temporarily.

isp issues. sometimes your isp just is stupid and does maintenance or whatever. in my experience this will happen and customer support will say nothing is wrong even though everyone in the neighborhood's internet is dead. CS doesn't get updates like they should.

bad cable line. i ran into this several times. could be poor connection somewhere in your house, could be an issue out on the street, could be moisture in the line, etc. cable tv will be fine but you'll get random drops from the internet for 10 seconds up to like 3 minutes. you have to call your cable company and have them test the signal strength at different spots and see if there's an issue. they can run a new line if needed.

you can log into your cable modem and check the logs, this should help pinpoint the issue. try
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