Gaming Laptops: Who uses them

I travel a lot for work and have used gaming laptops for about the last 3 years. I had a Asus G73 for a couple of years, it was a weapon. With my work ill usually travel somewhere and then be based there for a couple of weeks, then move around etc. G73 was awesome for that sort of situation, it really was just a portable desktop. Nice big screen, heaps of power and in cold locations it acted as a heater as well which was a bonus.

Moved on to a metabox after that (think they are MSI in the states) which i still have. 15 inch, heaps of power and nowhere near the bulk of the G73. Haven't come across a game it struggles with yet. Fine with BF4, Crysis 3, Titanfall and whatever else i throw at it. Battery life is shit and it had to be plugged in but unless you are a complete spastic you know thats going to be the deal with a gaming laptop.
Honestly can't go wrong with Asus or MSI, even the Alienwares are nice. They are all hugely expensive unless you purchase a used one.
I have a lenovo Y580 for when I'll be wanting the computer when I'm out and about.. Not a "Gaming Laptop" as such (not branded as such, at any rate), which is a good thing because it doesn't look like it belongs in a 14 year old's bedroom under a poster of a Zonda or some such nonsense. Smaller (15.6") screen keeps the bulk down, while it's still capable of 1080 resolutions and with the geforce 670 in it, it's plenty capable FPS-wise.

Though yes.. as to be expected, power and heat is an issue.. If you're running on battery, don't expect to be playing games very long. I've actually configured the options on mine so it just drops back to the onboard intel HD stuff on battery. I do get some SMART temp alerts coming from the hdd after extended periods, because there is a lot of heat generated that can't dissipate quite as well as it wants to.

But overall.. yeah, very happy with it. I wouldn't want to use it exclusively but fortunately, I work for a living and can afford to have a desktop as well. Damn handy to 'take with', though.
I want one, but I'd really like an external GPU. I hope that will happen with Thunderbolt2. Asus has shown one, but TB2 isn't popular enough.