daredevil fail: punisher


Veteran XX

hurrrr i'm the punisher

make punisher a 48 year old dude that's been on vengeance quest for a decade or so
we dont need to see why he do what he do
least not the origin story happening in real time anyway
would have preferred thomas jane just because he made that fan film basically heh

that being said, i'm not too concerned about what he looks like, as long as he pulls the attitude off
They always have to start with an origin story, even the reboots, because NO ONE KNOWS WHERE SUPERMAN CAME FROM OR HOW SPIDERMAN SHOT WEB.

i just dont know
i mean, before and after tom jane, sure whatever
but he's the definitive punisher man
its like recasting iron man at this point
tom jane is about as definitively the punisher as ben affleck is daredevil, he got his shot on screen before marvel got their shit together and it basically bombed

you gotta admit the dude they have looks way more like an iraq war vet that tom jane ever could, sorry but they are pretty hurrr durrrr people, not male models
i liked the netflix daredevil series for the most part

kingpin was a little over the top, and daredevil was never my favorite character (lol lawyers) but overall the show was good enough to check out how the second season turns out.
That Shane guy really really got on my nerves in TWD. I can't stand his face or voice or how he moves around when he acts.

He's also one of those actors who you can tell IRL he is a pretty stupid guy, and no matter what role he played his stupid shows through.