bootyclapping rage quits

must suck 2 b so bad u must convince self that noobie is former tribin' king LOL
whatevs, bow down to ur fedz! i m sure he was better than ever1 too lol jealousy 4 those who think u r better than they :(

sad disease- pray 4u
o shit i forgot this brain damage kid who head supposedly cave in from falling down mom stairs.. even thought he beat me 1ce LMFAO

disregard last post- u has me pity
i get how ppl like you manage to live in a delusional reality for so long u dont have to explain it to me

its usually some combination of a severe mental illness like borderline and aspd while simultaneously being a complete loser

so you obsess about stuff no one cares about to inflate your ego while also displaying your weird psychotic anger and violence

i really hope you havent hurt anyone in your real life but knowing what i know abot ppl like you you probably already have
wow thx for essay brain damage



sry bro- harda take ya serious with a caved in skull lmfao
you clearly do have something wrong with you every1 can see that no need to be in denial about brain meds mun

a few months in a padded cell with a straight jacket and some powerful anti psychotics and we might all get lucky and never have to read delusional posts by you because you'll be chemically lobotomized
great insult mun be sure to tell your medicating psych that while sharing your made up story about owning everyone and being the best at a 16 year old video game