How many persons have you fallen in love with?


Veteran XX
Fuck sex, this is what really counts.

(Yes, I really wrote all this because I almost puked at the "how many have you had sex with" thread.)

Alternatively, respond with a one-way/two-way count.. err. okay, that might get odd, but if you know what I mean? How many people have YOU been in love with, and how many of those were recipocated?

But best of all, I'd like to hear a bit more than just the numbers, and of course there are always those situations where people have fallen in love with "us" and we haven't given them the same courtesy back, because you can't just start loving people just because you want to.

For me.. my puppy love must have been at 6 or 7 and then another one with a couple of twins next door. :D But that first puppy love was so sweet, she's still with me to this day, because I ate her heart with bearneaise. Long black hair and the first kiss. It makes a mark over the heart, that does.

And then my adolescent love, or my first infatuation who instead grew to be my best friend until she, ah, got busy being a popular singer. She did a clothed photo session for a men's mag but you can blow me for pictures (and you still won't get pics). The weird thing was, that whole adolescent infatuation thing with me writing poetry and sending her letters and slowly getting to know her; during that same time I was talking to another girl whom I discovered I grew very close to.

So that's three, in my book, at that time. I'm ashamed to admit that I had my first real girlfriend during this time and it was neither of these two young women. This was the girlfriend who I gave my virginity, spent 6 months with (wow, that's long when you're 17) and broke up with after realizing that I did not lover her like I knew that I could love a person.

Went to college.. and this girl I had talked to and met occasionally at friends' parties said it was OK to start seeing each other now that I had my own place. Hehe. She started driving as far as 200 kilometers to see me and we'd spend time together, drive around, grab some burgers and .. hah, I can't remember if we slept together. We had sex, I mean, and I suppose she must have stayed the night but I can't.. remember. Losing one's memories is a terrible thing. I'll think about it. Hopefully it'll come to me.

We broke up though. Can't say how long we were seeing each other like that, but it ended sourly and we didn't talk properly for years afterwards. We're friends now, but at that time we just discovered something that we had wildly different opinions on and it turned into prestige and well, it's ugly.

Then I met my longest-running girlfriend. A short, blonde, Finnish girl who loved me for the sex and had a curiously explosive temper. I gave her comfort during some very hard times for her when her father died and I.. we grew very close. We spent the large part of 3 years together, but our tempers were completely incompatible. We could cuddle one minute and have furniture-throwing tantrums the next, all because there was something about the two of us that would just short circuit each other. So that was FORZA PASSIONE by providence. This was during the time where we were finishing educations and getting our first jobs so it was a hard time to try and live together. Long periods we were basically just dating, but still a tight couple. Sometimes we saw other people and told each other how it had went and we thought we were cool with it until she once blew up because she didn't LIKE the girl I had slept with. Heh. That's not really why it ended, but it sure complicated matters. I didn't feel like yanking her leash (I never do like yanking leaches) but she was yanking mine something fierce.. and it wasn't really as if I wanted to have anyone else either. I've never had a very powerful libido. If I wanted to, I suppose I could have called "unfair" that she could go with anyone, but if I went with someone she'd blow up and cry about it.

I didn't call it unfair though.. but I suppose her discovery of her own jealousy tore her apart over me and the whole situation went downhill fast. We stopped seeing each other, went steady with other people, had hawt secksi rendez-vous of passion at times.. Nowdays.. she's going steady with some guy I don't know and has a darling little daughter who's probably almost two years old by now. Damn, I miss that little kid and I haven't even met her more than a handful of times, maybe 10 days all taken together. I want children more than anything in the world, and that's a rare thing for a guy of 24.

After her.. the finnish girl and her darling baby daughter, I .. I haven't felt much at all. I've ran into plenty of landmines, fallen over triplines and cut my neck on razorwire. I'm too succeptible to flattery for one thing, and so I get more and more cautious every time I see someone new. Is this just flattery, or is it for real? Does she even know what she's saying, can I trust that she's right about herself? What if she's saying this to feel better, or because she wants to believe it? What'll happen if we keep seeing each other?

And sure enough, if it hasn't been broken off by her realizing something, like "He cares about money in some respect!" it's always me realizing "what the fuck am I doing here?". I've had some great sex, which would be cool if I knew how to appreciate it. I've also dated older and older women because frankly I get more understanding there. There are a couple of women around 20 that I feel I can confide in but they are so rare that I just feel it's a safer bet the longer they've lived.

Now this is where this thread gets REALLY .. off track. I met someone recently. Or, to be truthful, she met me, and she's been waiting for quite a while. My mind was open and she walzed right in. She looked around, found my webpage, found a link there, followed it to a forum, followed a link on that forum and she's on the forum "today", if she got past regs. Now this woman really cares for me, I have no doubts of that. She overwhelms me with love, care and attention at the same time that she gives me space, as if I need it. She can give me everything I need right now, and almost everything I need in the forseeable future.

That is.. it's a pretty big "almost" there too.

So how many was that?

One puppy love. One infatuation. One friendship turned love, then two recipocated loves after one another, then a lot of hopeful lovemaking that led almost nowhere, and now I have found a wonderful, beautiful, experienced and playful providing girlfriend who gives me all she can.

Uh.. so six?
Im not gonna read all that but to answer your topic, 1. Also, sad to say she died of cancer back in 2001.
Nolt, Come on, you can talk about FUCK SEX CUNT BITCH SHIT all day, but this is too much for ya?

You don't have to read all of it. Last paragraph or so is okay for the ADD kids.
piotrr said:
That's okay, Kura. This is my way of making a similar comment on the "sex" thread.
I understand.

This is a better thread, anyway. People like Chen aren't going to be posting, "I loved 4.... no, 60 girls!"
Kurayami said:
This is a better thread, anyway. People like Chen aren't going to be posting, "I loved 4.... no, 60 girls!"
No, because he'd be a fucking MDMA-junkie to say something like that.
This is a hard question.

I used to think my answer is one, but now I think it's actually none. I was engaged, but looking back on it I don't think I was ever really in love with him. I loved him, but the reason we stayed together so long was because I worked hard at it and made all the compromises. I wasn't ever really "in love" with him. All my other relationships have been infatuations or strong cases of "like", or at least I think so.

I've described my feelings about someone to friends. They say I'm in love. I'm not willing to admit that yet.

So, I'm sticking with none.
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I think that's being hard on yourself for anyone to say that. I even included the puppy love because with what I knew, what I felt, what my range of emotions was back then, that was love. Same with the girl who drove 200 kilometers to my apartment, that was love too. We were the best of friends and the best mental match ever made and it was love. It's not love now, and it won't probably be again.. but at that time, what I knew, the only thing I can call it is love.

Today I'm not that sure of my feelings, but I can't start doubting my PAST feelings NOW any more than I should doubt my FUTURE feelings today.