I am honestly not sure there is a better description of America's failing public education system today.......or right now.

This one will require a link click and a listen because it isn't video.....

The Miseducation of Castlemont High

I mean this really is a gem and for all the wrong reasons....I laughed and cried


>A bunch of POC's are forced to do their mandatory Holocaust education

>They act obnoxious during Schindler's List and get kicked out of movie theater

>The POC's are outraged and pull their collective hate crime cards....are forced to wait for bus down the street in full humiliation fashion

>outrage brews in Oakland.......you can't do this to a bunch of low income POC kids from low income school district area.

>but then the Jews paint the POC's as Nazis for trying to undermine the severity of the Holocaust with their disruptions.....that nobody else would go to the theater (pay to see the movie)unless this was their point and purpose of being there.

that everyone learned important lessons that day (but only many many years later)

they both gave discussions on why it is important to remember that more than just one tribe exists and that there is only one real "chosen" people........back of the bus and movie theater the black kids must go until next time.

"Them kids didn't apologize for what (((they))) felt they should have been apologizing for"....says the random no name Jewish lady

The POC kids meanwhile blame the school system for not properly preparing them for this kind of stuff. How heavy it was. They only had a 1 hour discussion on it and how were they supposed to "KNOW"...... they didn't want anymore lectures on anyone elses Holocaust before they hear more about their own. NAhhhhhhhh mean

And all of this was 100% not supposed to be a comedy.....:rofl:
It even had the outrage of some suddenly Jamaican Indian kids in it.

They demanded an African Holocaust day......because no white looking jews gonna tell them what time it is and lecture them about adversity.

And I learned the meaning of the word Maafa.......and they learned how prominent Jews were in the Slave trade.

But both sides just blamed the Republican Governor Pete Wilson for State school budget cuts and this being the real reason everyone was so pissed off and stupid about others history that they didn't feel like they needed to learn or listen to.

It was them bad books, broken lockers, and school walls that needed paintings

And Zionist Jews are the new Nazis......

At the end Steven Spielberg came and talked to this low income school in Oakland about how he was young once, how he got kicked out of "Ben Hur Hur Dur" and that this was ok and made excuses for all of them like we still see today. That he would later make the Amistad movie for them so they could relate and everyone could be happy.

Wow........we all learned so much and you can too.

And No......none of this is made up by me......and frankly it is racist for you to put those words into any of their mouths atm......or anti-Semitic your choice.
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I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't started charging schools $400 for the education version of a movie like they do with textbooks.
I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't started charging schools $400 for the education version of a movie like they do with textbooks.

they are going to have to and quickly


get in on this action again ASAP

i mean if holocaust movie sympathy syndrome dries up it is going to look like it did between this black lady and jewish guy on a new york train everywhere



I mean this is the ultimate cliff notes to my autism based "mansplaining" in the first post.....

apparently this is becoming an epidemic

identity politics is eating itself all over urban areas
~~~Study~~~ on youtube, cry all day on internet forums, reeeeeee-post tweets


u sound mad and fat.....


tough day for you and your bbq

let us take an ADL test on being anti-Semitic instead





what do you see anti-zionist humdumpin?


what do you see
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im more concerned about the american healthcare system and why so much autism is going untreated
Oh, great! So, I guess it would be fair to say that most of us will starve to death very soon?

In a manner of speaking, yeah. I think the biggest mistake is you seem to think that you're a majority. TW, Rosanne Barr, the Nuge, Drumpf, Sarah Palin. . .you all seem to think that you represent the fabric of America, family values, patriotism, and most Americans are like yourselves.

The problem you face, is the reality of how humanity actually is. As the world moves forward, the success of science and math is no longer seriously questioned. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. Climate change is real, and is caused by human activity. The South got beat, and beat bad. Human beings are no longer told by the government who they are allowed to love. Hate these basic facts all you like, they are still facts.

Your error, as I've said, you really do believe that the 30 of you that post here regularly are representative of the average American. The truth is that you're a woeful minority, and are only courageous when seated at your computer. The things you say here, you dare not say in front of family, in your workplace, or even at the supermarket. You say the things you do only here.