Hello, it has been a while

No need to call that guy names. He already said he was going to leave for another couple of years. Didn't your mother ensure you were properly socialized by age 4 like she should have?
Not only did I attend pre-school, but I also managed to make it all the way through high school and undergrad. my alma mater has a 9% acceptance rate. you couldn't even get hired there as a custodian... Please tell us more about that GED you never got.
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I could read, write, talk, was potty trained, and could walk before age 1. I went to preschool but didn't need to cause my mother is pretty cool. Congrats on wasting 4 years on high school when it only took me 8 hrs to get the same paper. University is a cuck meme you idiot. Didn't you know?
Yeah its a cuck meme. For years upon years people were made to think if you were going to succeed you had to go to University. Now there is a massive surplus of folks with degrees and a stupid amount of student loan debt. Smart guys get into the trades and make bank while they train. I get taxed for both community colleges around here and literally have more hours of study than most all of the professors there anyway. Fuck you very much. :sunny:
smart people get scholarships and free rides so they don't have student debt. the irony of you talking down on universities while boasting about your endless hours of community college study is laughable.
This thread probably went the way bigsex expected and is now gone

Well good seeing u pal


this thread is a total dumpster fire that not even the homeless in CA and NY would want to snuggle up next to

and people wonder how tw died the slow death with all the remaining lunatics sky screaming

one thing for sure.......skipperlicious is very very threatened by tehvul's intelligence at this point

nothing else explains the page of back and forth over who is smarter :lol: