BREAKING: Stephen Hawking dead at 76

RIP you brilliant little man.
What do the news feeds feature? Where Charlie Manson's remains go.
That is what is wrong with America. We understand murder and crime. Most have no clue or interest in what Hawking focused on.
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Someone who defied all odds and managed to relentlessly pursue and contribute to the betterment of man.

RIP you brilliant SOB.
You shit heads are pathetic worshiping that fucking now dead (thank God) demon. I thought there were only two fags on this forum.

Boy was I fooled.
can != do
we are certainly capable

lol - most people aren't even capable of understanding basic personal hygiene and sensible food choices
I can't even understand how cyber bullying is a thing - how is it even possible

these people, these fucking people are all dumber than shit, except the average TW poster, they are way smarter than most, and we are still pretty much complete idiots
I suppose it depends on how much of a pedantic twat you want to be
We are conscious, we understand classical and quantum physics enough to explain and predict the vast majority of phenomena we see to some degree
These explanations have continued to improve and advance over time, and in dramatic fashion in the last few hundred years
I was just reading about him the other day because I was curious if he was ever a normal* walking around dood

(he was)

*normal is not defined by ones physical capabilities!

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RIP you brilliant little man.
What do the news feeds feature? Where Charlie Manson's remains go.
That is what is wrong with America. We understand murder and crime. Most have no clue or interest in what Hawking focused on.

Whaaa??!!! Hawking is dead?! I'd have never known if it weren't for TW!

Oh wait, it's a feature story on every news site, radio news, newspaper front page, etc.

Never mind.