[Clean Energy] Hey Goshin

figures from 2010 dont reflect figures from 2016
there's been a price decrease of 1 million percent between those 2 dates
please keep providing outdated charts tele
its all u good for
figures from 2010 dont reflect figures from 2016
there's been a price decrease of 1 million percent between those 2 dates
please keep providing outdated charts tele
its all u good for

mad about old data

posts no new data

if he did post it.....it wouldn't matter

because it would likely be something ficticiously sold to him by someone equally dumb and duped

the magic beans story continues
Nice article from a verified source, Goshin.

What would be the economic impact if everyone installed solar panels on their roof, and everyone associated with power generation and distribution were forced to undergo a radical prefrontal lobotomy?

I luld!

we like to argue so much we don't even know what point we are arguing.

solar panels have really come down in price since i first priced them (and you install them yourselves).

batteries are still the costliest part of most systems

they have done wonders with moving away from lead acid over to lithium, nickel cad, etc, even super capacitors

one day soon i would like to power my entire home with these and never need batteries again. but that too just isn't cost effective for me yet.

and in regards to your system paying itself off.....from your own article

The market would still do its work, so the grid would pay very little for the cheap oversupply during the day, while paying a great deal to the fossil providers in the evening, where demand was almost outstripping supply.

this is what we are already discussing. that with financing, labor of install, and the batteries so you can tell your POS utility provider to eat a dick, or use power off the grid, during a power outage, it becomes extremely cost prohibitive.

but we are almost there. i don't hate green tech.....i love it

i want nothing more than to power my own home while telling usury telecoms and utility providers to stuff it.

and it isn't down 25% since 2010 but 80%

but it was also LOL expensive to holy fuck that is more than my power bill still

we are getting there. i bet super capacitor storage option will get there first.
Glad you stopped reading. Keep going
To the end

And yes I said it plummeted to 25% of its cost
Important word to. 800 down to 200
Glad you stopped reading. Keep going
To the end

that graphic was at the end

Other battery technologies may be going down even faster (Lazard think that Lead acid may be poised to go down fastest of all). But let’s stick to Li-I for simplicity and just think about what this magnitude of price movement means.

it is one thing when you make me argue your arguments for you
don't forget their $100 billion investment in hot air from clinton enterprises amirite

similar goal

i mean they spend the money goshin is so proud of coloring a rock gold, called mecca, so people can walk around it each and every single year

now that their opec is falling to shit maybe we can visit like the theme park called Dubai

ride us a roller coaster off a sky tower or two....

I mean 5% in 20 years......OMG