[How To] Skin Starsiege: Tribes

Anoobis: how to skin in tribe

Step one: aquire someone elses content
Step two: give them no credit
Step three: make it look worse than before
Anita Sarkeesian personally plagiarized and consequently totally screwed me out of at least a million bux in feminist equality royalties at this point

possibly 10+. just by herself.

but the worst aspect is how many ppl listen and believe criminalized, and how much destruction came from that, and other radical 3rd wave feminist appropriations of intersectionality
the funny part is he actually tries to claim it's his tutorial and puts a fucking copyright © on it when he copy/pasted it word for word from the anni forums

anubis has a history of doing this shit for years (so does shift)

First I want to point out that there are many tutorials out there, this is just one of many! Also there are many ways of doing things.

My approach in teaching skinning in this tutorial is to provide you with information on how everything works before you jump into making skins. Feel free to use this tutorial as you need, skip past what you don't need to read and get what you need from here and there if necessary.

Anubis, (c)2000
this is similar to opasyo and stork basically begging lix fett and thorin (and non teaching stork privately) for that LT guide and not writing it themselves because they wouldnt have been able to and didnt learn the game the challenging way but got taught
Anoobis: how to skin in tribe

Step one: aquire someone elses content
Step two: give them no credit
Step three: make it look worse than before

What? Kid, I was making skins for tribes you were still inside your father's testicles. Fuck off.
Anita Sarkeesian personally plagiarized and consequently totally screwed me out of at least a million bux in feminist equality royalties at this point

possibly 10+. just by herself.

but the worst aspect is how many ppl listen and believe criminalized, and how much destruction came from that, and other radical 3rd wave feminist appropriations of intersectionality

That really sucks. Lemon used to plagiarize lots of codes from BigBunny and claim to be his. Now he's talking about my skinning tut being something from annihilation.

Which is a sign of a totally fucking dementia, since the only thing I have hosted on tribeshavoc is plasmatic's textures index http://www.tribeshavoc.com/anubis/ in case he dies and his host dies with him. And, of course, re-hosting cool stuff from 1999, since my website was a trend back then. And it's been there since 2000 or something. I'm not even sure if Lemon knew about this game by then. And I always copywrite my own templates. You want one, design your own :lol:

Sad side of this thread is that only newbies come and post shit instead of learning and take our place to keep on this game alive. #NoHope at this point. Willing to join midair soon and stop dealing with this nonsense.


or perhaps we can create a new game Dare. We should talk about this via pm on discord or something.. but eh, anyway, since you're taking vacations on january we would have to wait a bit or w/e idk man
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That guy from Toronto who manages basketball teams?

Well... I'm not sure about his brother, but that dude really has quite the fucking resumeé tbh
im not even sure why i know this kind of shit from canada

i thinking im joining th chat again and talk with nash about this kind of stuff. dude gets p freaking cool when he's drunk, thats 4sure
of course you dont need. but women do. and if feminism isnt contained in canada, men there will all be buried & used by women to get milked.

i've seen p crazy videos from canada, with all these feminists marching against men and its really like, really fucked up.

You have a black girlfriend, you believe in equal rights and duties, right? you don't give a fuck about anything else but the good of your wife. But if the feminist claws reach your lady, man, you are doomed 4 life