[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

well given you're poor and retarded I figured the ps2 was the best your mom could afford

look at pagy prolly gaming on a 2600

did they even have the internet back then

its ok ill wait for your hunt n peck index finger typing. no rush
Its not a triple post unless its got 3 twitter maga screen caps broz and maybe one 4chan screencap for ulta maga

get with the picture brosss
the gop refused to negotiate on common sense policies

its OK tho because every time a shutdown occurs people (rightly) blame the party in power

maga over boys say hello to your new overlords


majority party unwilling to let minority party dictate all terms of budget

like getting mass amnesty, chain migration, and daca consent

but then Dem's suddenly agreed to reopen government today

proving that it couldn't have been the GOP's fault

think about that for a second (but you can't, because you muddy mexican)
trump shutdown was gop fault

theyre the party in power and solely responsible

seeing it any other way is farcical

and pagy y the fuk r u even in this thread arent you a mouth breathing syrup eating denim thread tuxedo wearing canuck


Sounds like it was mostly due to Stephen Miller. Something about that guy irritates the fuck out of me - other than his politics. You can just tell he’s a dick. I mean at this point, I just assume we basically have 3 people running the country - and none of them are Trump.
My old man two cents on DACA. Let them stay. But, let's go back in time a bit and fine the fuck out of all the assholes who hired illegals. Fine the fuck out of them for breaking the rules and taking money out of the pockets of those that followed the rules. Every last scum sucking fucking profit driver asshole who hired an illegal should be fined.

Also, for all the people that complain - get out in the fucking fields and strap a fucking leaf blower to your back. Or go roofing in 100 degree heat. Assholes. Pay people what they are worth to do jobs that no one else will do. You know why? They are fucking hard. Raise the pay for hard, real work cunts.

These "illegals" will have way more power and protection if they are citizens. Also, if we can't find enough people to do the work - then issue proper work visas like other countries.

But, we can't blame kids for the mistakes of America. If they were moved here by parents and want to stay - let them do it. They obviously love living here or they wouldn't have strayed.

Anyway old guy's 2 cents. And stay off my lawn.
Fine the fuck out of them for breaking the rules and taking money out of the pockets of those that followed the rules. Every last scum sucking fucking profit driver asshole who hired an illegal should be fined.

they will

California to Punish Businesses That Cooperate With Feds on Immigration

but not by the FEDs but by the State for even trying to comply with their interpretation of immigration law now

and worse than that......you familiar with the auto-registration program Oregon has when you sign up for a drivers license?

Major state to register illegal aliens to vote – automatically

Looks like Cali is going to do the same thing, but openly so for the illegal immigrants as well...........

Undocumented immigrant driver’s licenses top 900,000 in CA | The Sacramento Bee

who knew this would be defacto amnesty on a State wide rendition?

they know that nobody can see their books now, who voted, how they voted, and fuck you for even asking is the next step

Trump disbands voter fraud commission - POLITICO

that is why trump disbanded this.......it was the only wall we do seem to have

this is why we can't go this path of amnesty and more appeasement. the sanctuary cities and now states have made this idea no longer practical or applicable.

They are fucking hard. Raise the pay for hard, real work cunts.

they would have no other choice if there wasn't a flood of hungry people willing to work for ten cents on a dollar in front of any Home Depot in this country..........

if their money being sent home didn't provide a better life for their family than living here can do for those who actually try to live here

To keep crops from rotting in the field, farmers say they need Trump to let in more temporary workers - Los Angeles Times

they admit without slave labor they can't keep costs low

this is no longer conspiratorial but completely proven

i mean this topic is the most important in our lifetime because if Trump can't fix this Texas and Florida will go BLUE in 2020 and as demographics change there is no electoral college scenario where another Republican can win again if that actually happens.

People might not like the idea of it being all or nothing, but that is exactly where this discussion is at after the 1965 immigration plan and 40 years of blanket amnesty and can kicking about how to enforce border protection
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But, we can't blame kids for the mistakes of America. If they were moved here by parents and want to stay - let them do it. They obviously love living here or they wouldn't have strayed.

How is the parents committing crimes the "mistakes of america"?

I'll take DACA path to citizenship on two conditions: end illegal birthright citizenship - it is clearly not how the 14th amendment was written or intended, and institute e-verify.