[request] 1.30 with netset


if you're going to be an idiot and use 1.30... just use one of the various terp scripts available. There is literally no point in running 1.30 unless you want to play at a huge disadvantage. and please don't tell me that 1.30 with terp is better than 1.40+ netset. 1.40 by itself is more powerful than 1.30 with terp. Unless opsayo tells me differently. We need the opinion of the master.
actually it is. Cause you can run software mode and increase the response of your mouse. More raw input ect
on another note if everyone is already using 1.40 + netset. Maybe undo that one bit on 1.30 and release a 1.32?
For a computer made in 2002, yes. Tribes ascend killed my graphics card on my other pc. Like killed it. I was playing a ctf match on that one map with the two rivers, i forget the name. Then all of a sudden screen went red, then I smelled frying from the rig. I was devastated...

ascend will hurt your card though. Mine just over heated and melted. Maybe even shorted out. idk. I haven't tried the whole sticking the card in the oven trick for fear I might burn down my home. As far as the get a job and save up for a card. Its the holidays and I'm not really looking to spend on myself. and when I do its usually food or things i need more at home. We're all on the struggle bus here.