You raff yuo roose v.3871

I've actually never heard anyone use the term "mansplaining" in real life.

If I did, I would verbally abuse them most likely.




they are the best comedians around

That's actually pretty true though of male philosophy majors. In my whole life I've only met a single one that wasn't an obnoxious tool. Of course "mansplaining" is a ridiculous term as the very notion of explaining anything to anyone places the speaker in a position of superiority over the person receiving the information, and condescension is typically an inference by the listener, anything and everything can be construed as mansplaining based on the listener's whims.
Woman returns ‘dead’ Christmas tree to Costco in Jan. for full refund

While the rest of us were debating where to abandon our trees, one woman decided to take her’s back for a refund.

So come January, the woman reportedly wanted her money back for her once lively Christmas tree because it was now dead.

Customers at the Costco in the suburbs of Los Angeles were blown away, and one man couldn’t help but post the rest of the details on Facebook.

“I can’t make this stuff up,” he wrote. “Woman in line at Costco, totally nonchalant, to return her Christmas tree ‘because it is dead’ on January 4.”

Amazingly, she actually did get her money back, according to the post. But not without a little bit of shaming from the store and other customers.

So something to keep in mind for next year, if your Christmas tree is “dead” after being chopped down a month before, you may be able to get a refund.