dutch is rite they al ltrash game and u all trash fuk u all

i9t out of oil for my deep fry so how igonna make chi ken finger now

and ppl gotta respect dutch u kno he 1 true tribe hero
i9t out of oil for my deep fry so how igonna make chi ken finger now

and ppl gotta respect dutch u kno he 1 true tribe hero

fuck did not know he is tribe legend

[02:28] <Dutch> get a life, do some more drugs, etc
01[02:28] <gerbils> i dont do drugs
01[02:28] <gerbils> get on a pu, get troleld some more, overrreact more LOL
[02:29] <Dutch> neat, stick to first thing i said?
01[02:29] <gerbils> i suggest mediation to be in a present moment
01[02:29] <gerbils> and not be affected by external factors
01[02:29] <gerbils> kk ty
01[02:29] <gerbils> i watch ur dmeo u r good player but fucked in the head
01[02:29] <gerbils> i bid u good luck
01[02:29] <gerbils> vgt
[02:29] <Dutch> yeah there you go
[02:30] <Dutch> watch some more
01[02:30] <gerbils> cannot
01[02:30] <gerbils> i dont have many more
01[02:30] <gerbils> im stuck wathcing elixir
[02:30] <Dutch> dares site
01[02:30] <gerbils> idk
01[02:30] <gerbils> read power of now
01[02:30] <gerbils> take control of ur emotion
01[02:30] <gerbils> make ur life better
[02:31] <Dutch> oh was that a trick
01[02:31] <gerbils> maybe u cannot be helped
01[02:31] <gerbils> gl in life
[02:32] <Dutch> you too, spamming the shit ouf of someone is top drawer .. you cannot talk down to anyone you shit brick
01[02:32] <gerbils> u ez 2 rage
[02:32] <Dutch> get some more notes from bad trolls
01[02:32] <gerbils> u ez 2 rage
01[02:32] <gerbils> u ez 2 rage
01[02:32] <gerbils> bad troll still success vs u
01[02:32] <gerbils> if u want to beat troll
01[02:32] <gerbils> plz read power of now
01[02:32] <gerbils> by eckart tolle
01[02:33] <gerbils> use brain gg not robot
01[02:33] <gerbils> or watch star trek
01[02:33] <gerbils> be like spock not emotional dipshit
01[02:33] <gerbils> LOL
[02:33] <Dutch> what? you had like 1% of my attention, you are regurgitated crap i have dealt with time and time again
[02:34] <Dutch> think long and hard kid
01[02:34] <gerbils> your needing to deal with this "crap"
01[02:34] <gerbils> is sad enough
01[02:34] <gerbils> if you are trying to come across as someone higher than others
[02:35] <Dutch> what does that say about you lol? works both ways idiot
01[02:35] <gerbils> only a true scum would answer with rage
01[02:35] <gerbils> indifference would impress me more
01[02:35] <gerbils> idk what it says about me
01[02:35] <gerbils> i like to talk shit
01[02:35] <gerbils> ppl who respond respond
[02:35] <Dutch> only a true scum would answer with shit he read on the internet
01[02:35] <gerbils> ppl who dont respond are their own kind
01[02:35] <gerbils> oh ok
01[02:35] <gerbils> cum milkshake is pretty original
01[02:35] <gerbils> i thought it was funny
01[02:35] <gerbils> now internet history -gerbils
[02:35] <Dutch> you are dare/opsayo in a more angry format
01[02:36] <gerbils> ya i angry
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> DUTCH Y U KICK ME FAGGOT I ANGRY
01[02:36] <gerbils> lol i win
[02:36] <Dutch> spam more douche
[02:36] <Dutch> you are garbage
01[02:36] <gerbils> sry i am getting to u
[02:36] <Dutch> nope, but you are garbage
01[02:36] <gerbils> not may ppl win aagainst me
01[02:36] <gerbils> ya say it more just proves my point
01[02:36] <gerbils> ya say it more just proves my point
01[02:36] <gerbils> ya say it more just proves my point
[02:36] <Dutch> how
01[02:37] <gerbils> fuck nm i cannot explain to you since you emotional right now and cannot follow reason
[02:37] <Dutch> you are a fucking dipshit
01[02:37] <gerbils> gg
[02:37] <Dutch> copout punk
01[02:37] <gerbils> im under the impression u r male
01[02:37] <gerbils> though yo usound like a female atm
[02:37] <Dutch> gaping vagina
01[02:37] <gerbils> plz correct me if im wrong
01[02:37] <gerbils> oh ur a gaping vagina
01[02:37] <gerbils> fuck u r fat woman then
[02:38] <Dutch> yeah fat opera singer thats good
01[02:38] <gerbils> wtf r u talking about opera
01[02:38] <gerbils> u have add bro
01[02:38] <gerbils> meditate + get meds
[02:38] <Dutch> you have said nothing original
01[02:38] <gerbils> and
01[02:38] <gerbils> ?
01[02:38] <gerbils> am i suppsoed to
[02:38] <Dutch> yeah you trash
01[02:39] <gerbils> o ok
01[02:39] <gerbils> u win
[02:39] <Dutch> you dish off everything i say, nothing original
01[02:39] <gerbils> i not original
01[02:39] <gerbils> i cannot beat crazy emotional cunt with reason
[02:39] <Dutch> you are a gigantic piece of dog shit
01[02:39] <gerbils> u win gg
01[02:39] <gerbils> golden broad side
01[02:39] <gerbils> ask opsayo for trofie
[02:39] <Dutch> reference opsayo, give me your fucking name
01[02:39] <gerbils> gerbils
01[02:39] <gerbils> fuck u cannot read
[02:39] <Dutch> nope
01[02:39] <gerbils> k first learn 2 raed
[02:40] <Dutch> smurfing little dickhead
01[02:40] <gerbils> usually learned in kindergarten
01[02:40] <gerbils> waht makes u think i m smurfing
01[02:40] <gerbils> i am gerbils
01[02:40] <gerbils> i have never played with u
01[02:40] <gerbils> u rage i not even talk to u
01[02:40] <gerbils> LOL
01[02:40] <gerbils> fuck u have big pussy
[02:40] <Dutch> EURO/AUSSIE then?
01[02:40] <gerbils> what is euro aussie
[02:40] <Dutch> how fucking stupid are you
01[02:40] <gerbils> stupid enough to not understand wtf nonsense u r spewing
01[02:41] <gerbils> u lose, i not smurf, u lose again
[02:41] <Dutch> you cant figure out euro or aussie statement
01[02:41] <gerbils> if u cannot stand it u r big emo lose
01[02:41] <gerbils> idk maybe if u type in complete sentence
01[02:41] <gerbils> ppl understand u
01[02:41] <gerbils> u r big dum
[02:41] <Dutch> this is what you are doing now
01[02:41] <gerbils> type many fragment expect ppl to understand
01[02:41] <gerbils> o ok deflect the question
01[02:41] <gerbils> LOL
[02:41] <Dutch> talking about my grammar
01[02:42] <gerbils> ya i taught u fragment and runon
01[02:42] <gerbils> hope u learned
01[02:42] <gerbils> but u didnt
01[02:42] <gerbils> shit u r helpless
[02:42] <Dutch> how about this
01[02:42] <gerbils> maybe cuz ur dumb dutch euro
01[02:42] <gerbils> maybe cuz ur dumb dutch euro
01[02:42] <gerbils> maybe cuz ur dumb dutch euro
01[02:42] <gerbils> maybe cuz ur dumb dutch euro
[02:42] <Dutch> post a demo
01[02:42] <gerbils> maybe cuz ur dumb dutch euro
01[02:42] <gerbils> idk how
01[02:42] <gerbils> but posting a demo will prove grammar godlienss?
01[02:42] <gerbils> but posting a demo will prove grammar godlienss?
01[02:42] <gerbils> but posting a demo will prove grammar godlienss?
[02:42] <Dutch> because you are a shithead trolling irc
01[02:43] <gerbils> fuck this logic
01[02:43] <gerbils> i not troll irc
01[02:43] <gerbils> u trolling irc
01[02:43] <gerbils> u ban everyone nobody even talk 2 u
[02:43] <Dutch> i will ban you again
01[02:43] <gerbils> u cannot bna me again
[02:43] <Dutch> because you are a retarded
01[02:43] <gerbils> u cannot bna me again
[02:43] <Dutch> how so
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> "because you are a retarded" congrats grammar
01[02:43] <gerbils> pzl ban me right now
01[02:44] <gerbils> can u?
01[02:44] <gerbils> or are u stuck trying to win argument vs me
01[02:44] <gerbils> no u lose
01[02:44] <gerbils> vgs
[02:44] <Dutch> from what??
[02:44] <Dutch> and grammar was fine there.. lol, so stupid
01[02:44] <gerbils> jesus i give up
01[02:44] <gerbils> no helping u
01[02:44] <gerbils> sry i tried
[02:44] <Dutch> YOU ARE A RETARDED
01[02:44] <gerbils> but u foreveer will be tribes legend
01[02:44] <gerbils> but true dipshit
01[02:45] <gerbils> that is ur legacy
01[02:45] <gerbils> accept
01[02:45] <gerbils> be present
01[02:45] <gerbils> beastmode go out 7nights a week
01[02:45] <gerbils> stifler
[02:45] <Dutch> dare asdfda
01[02:45] <gerbils> do u want to talk about greene
01[02:46] <gerbils> y he troll u
01[02:46] <gerbils> was this in pu that i missed
[02:46] <Dutch> i trolled him
[02:46] <Dutch> and he turned it into some gay fantasy of his
01[02:46] <gerbils> o ic
01[02:46] <gerbils> idk i not there
01[02:46] <gerbils> seem like he win in his troll tho
01[02:46] <gerbils> he is scum torller u let him win wtf
[02:47] <Dutch> this is funny now
01[02:47] <gerbils> o shit u might have hope
[02:47] <Dutch> i had the same pm earlier
01[02:47] <gerbils> i finally got u to see things as funny
[02:48] <Dutch> no, you need to take a fucking step back
[02:48] <Dutch> '
[02:48] <Dutch> stop being a creeper
[02:48] <Dutch> i will keep you banned
[02:48] <Dutch> smurf name or not
01[02:49] <gerbils> step back?
01[02:49] <gerbils> did i get under ur skin
01[02:49] <gerbils> sry
01[02:49] <gerbils> plz not ban my smurfs
01[02:49] <gerbils> cuz i not smurf
01[02:49] <gerbils> but smurf are ppl too
01[02:49] <gerbils> they just blue
01[02:51] <gerbils> anyways heres greens picture he look like skinny nerdboy troll
01[02:51] <gerbils> http://blackassfest.info/image-share/images/44378657796633482528.jpg
Last edited:
[02:44] <Dutch> YOU ARE A RETARDED
01[02:44] <gerbils> but u foreveer will be tribes legend
01[02:44] <gerbils> but true dipshit
01[02:45] <gerbils> that is ur legacy
01[02:45] <gerbils> accept
01[02:45] <gerbils> be present
01[02:45] <gerbils> beastmode go out 7nights a week
01[02:45] <gerbils> stifler
[02:45] <Dutch> dare asdfda
01[02:45] <gerbils> do u want to talk about greene
01[02:46] <gerbils> y he troll u
01[02:46] <gerbils> was this in pu that i missed
[02:46] <Dutch> i trolled him
[02:46] <Dutch> and he turned it into some gay fantasy of his

dang those r good chat log LOL

u can see when dutch reflecing on arguments of past he say dare hljaeghea then he go back to saying fuk u gerbils

yesterday very tuff nite 4 us all i am surprise we all still alive tbh

dutch make honest effort to not ban u gerbil and u gonna go tell him u make semen milkshaek r u srs?
green is trolling life by being a meth using unemployed welfare leech

joke is on them
dutch has known it's been total shit players for a long time now, i just quit before he did and he was always an incredible well-rounded player that enjoyed destroying people

also the idea that he is euro or whatever is really funny because you couldn't be further from the truth
my fav aspect of tribe is the elitist legends who trash the shitplayer base constantly as if we are harming them in some fashion and they r disgusted by us shitplayers playing a game they used to play

also the idea that prowler gets laid or whatever is really funny because you couldn't be further from the truth

i am a shitplayer btw
dutch has known it's been total shit players for a long time now, i just quit before he did and he was always an incredible well-rounded player that enjoyed destroying people

also the idea that he is euro or whatever is really funny because you couldn't be further from the truth

who r u