
How about you quote where I said sustainable?

I have shifted to a "controlled vegetarian" diet as a way to lose weight quickly and wean the body off processed carbohydrates. I started this over 3 weeks ago and have lost almost 15kg (30lbs) already. In a couple of weeks I will be reintroducing certain fruits and meats. Its part a 6 month lifestyle change plan suggested by my GP and created with the help of the dieticians and nutritionists where I work.

But hey you know more than my GP, and the dieticians and nutritionists where I work ... you should start a TV show like Dr Phil or something with all the roid raging tards in the fitness forum and show the world how much shit you know about everything.

:rofl: this forum is really laughable now, part of the reason I hardly come here anymore.

all this says is your gp and the people you work with are fat morons like yourself. yoyo dieting on purpose :rofl: the fact that you want a quick solution to losing weight by fasting is even more indicative of you being a moron. i wonder how horrible your metabolism is by now.

enjoy being fat again in 3 months.
all this says is your gp and the people you work with are fat morons like yourself.

Wow, you should write a book then, perhaps a DVD like triple that you can sell to health professionals for hundreds of dollars, I am sure they will pay since you know so much (especially about the change plan I am on :rofl:)

Fuckstard ... really kind of suits you.
It's not extreme at all. Plenty of cultures/people have lived primarily as vegetarians for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years.

It's only in the past hundred years or so that we've seen the consumption of animals become a factory-driven exploitation. If you have no conscience, then I guess you don't care about the vile, shaming-the-human-name kind of treatment they give to factory animals. I don't know, maybe you can taste the torture and you like it.

BadMofo how long have you been? I loved meat until a year ago, now I can't go back.
What are your staples? I just eat a lot of beans, grains, nuts, veggies, fruits, soy, take a multivitamin etc.

i hope you're not fucking serious because if you consider yourself in any way intellectual you would recognize how absurd everything you said in the first part of your post is.

you are completely wrong. you watched a few biased documentaries and bought into the PETA bullshit without doing any actual research based off of actual science and archaeological evidence.

absolutely pathetic
nothing better than nice juicy medium rare filet or ribeye


kiint how much u weigh now and how much u lost?

"less" and "lots"

I am not interested in giving ammo to the "Tribalwar Hate Machine" with details.

The goal is a healthy balanced diet in combination with regular exercise, a strong focus on unprocessed foods, while continuing to incorporate meat and "slightly" processed foods such as milled grains, dairy etc. None of the militant narrow bullshit that permeates the fitness forum or vegetarian threads like this.

No more fast food, no more food in plastic (I have fresh food markets and food coops all within a 5 minute drive from home) no more "quick carbs" or bullshit.