[APB] head start official thread


Veteran XV
with the game starting it's headstart weekend in 2 days. i figure we should find out how many of us there are, and if forming a clan is even viable.

i will have an enforcer to start but of course i will be creating a crim.
mmo, gta cops vs robbers style game.

unique paymodel. pay $6/20 hrs of gameplay or $10/30 days unlimited.

has action districts which use your gametime, and where you perform your missions and whatnot. and a social district where you mingle. create tattoos, emblems, paint jobs, graffiti. which you can then turn and sell for game money or rtw points which can be used to buy gametime.

Was planning on playing before it went pay to play. Maybe I'll give it a try when it epic fails and they're forced to go free to play.

PS: no locational damage, lawl. spray and praaaaay!!!!
that is a pretty interesting concept there.

the most interesting part about that is how deep the music editor is as well as the depth of the image making system.

literally anything that is customizable in the game can be fancied up however you please and placed for sale on the market. the customizer works something akin to a hybrid mspaint/photoshop system. where there are decal layers made of basic shapes and designs to create something unique.

the music maker is a midi lovers wet dream. has roughly 35 instruments and a bar graph to create the notes. i have heard Vaders death march, Marios death music, links music, even just custom beats people made. you can either have just music or themes. when you make a theme, anytime you beat someone in a mission or kill them in game, they get to listen to your theme music. its only about 5 seconds but it is awesome to hear Marios death theme music when i get killed.

and all that can be sold for money or rtw points.

easiest way to get rtw points, is to sell your money. you can trade in game money for the points.
here are examples of things that can be done



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It's a good concept and a fairly fun game but the abysmal matchmaking system combined with glaring weapon imbalances completely killed it for me. I'd reconsider playing it if they made districts hold more than 80 people or if it went to a free-to-play micro-transaction system.
I played the Key to the City, and made a gang of Chinamen with some friends. We drove around in a car with CHINA and some other random ching chong language written all over it. Made a Chinese tune with the audio creation thing in game for our theme, and spray painted a few billboards with some custom graffiti.


Possibly NWS

Needless to say, I had a blast for the most part. The combat is a little weird and unbalanced at times. There were also a ton of people using aimbot in beta due to them not running PunkBuster in it. Other than that, it's a pretty fun time. I'll be picking it up and playing it for awhile probably.
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I played the EU Beta then tried the NA keys to the city.
I love the customization aspect. But practically every vehicle feels like a boat driving through mud, and the the combat is pathetic.

It's not about skill, it's about equipment. I don't know how many times I would get the drop on someone and unload half a clip or more into them only to have them turn around and kill me in a couple shots.

Or shooting at a car while chasing. Without the right gun you can pour 2 to 3 clips into it, meanwhile your enemy can make your car blow up in 4 to 5 shots.

I don't know how a game that focuses so heavily on car chases and gun-play can be so bad at both. I had real high hopes for this one, and it's lacking. I think I'll wait to see if they fix these issues after release before I will consider buying it.
I love the customization aspect. But practically every vehicle feels like a boat driving through mud, and the the combat is pathetic.
Pretty much everyone says that, but I didn't have a bit of trouble driving. Which probably explains why no one could ever keep up with me in the beta. I mean it's not realistic or anything, but it doesn't take long to adjust to it. The car you're in also makes a huge difference. Taxis were one of the better cars I drove. I got to the point where I could take high speed turns down alleyways and drive through them without hitting any walls.

I can agree with the combat part though. It's not all that great. However, it was particularly fun when whoever you're up against had the same weapons. Going around in a 4 man team most of the time, some of the fights were really fun. When both sides are on equal footing, the quirks with the combat don't seem to matter much. When the people roll in with 3 weapon mods and all kinds of upgrades, it shifts into terrible. Once everyone gets the same shit, who knows what it will be like.

I remember driving around in the beta and getting out of a vehicle for a better one with my group, as we were running from the enforcers. As we tried to get in the car, one of the enforcers rolls up in some insanely fast car, and blows us all up with a RPG. It's definitely not the most fun in the world when you have people of that high ranking strolling around with all the new people.