[roflcocks] Ascension shuts down


Veteran XX
Ascension Shutting Down - RenWerX Forums

Calsa said:
Dear Ascension Community,

It is with great sorrow we announce the halting of the development of Ascension. It has been a long and exhausting road at times, with many obstacles and difficulties along the way. Some obstacles we plowed through. But at the end, we simply did not have the resources available to us to make the game the way we wanted.

Many developers within our team have dedicated countless hours of their time to create what was on paper a fantastic idea - a game created by gamers for gamers, capturing the game play and essence of a game we have come to enjoy for many years. I believe we have grown in leaps and bounds over the years. And as we made our rounds through the long development process, it was done with no rewards along the way but the satisfaction of things coming into place, and amounting sense of accomplishment that came with it.

But reality got in the way. We encountered one too many crippling faults in the game engine we have been working with, and the engine simply proved to be too incomplete and buggy to work with. Furthermore, many developers have become a victim to circumstance. Many have moved on to take on full time jobs in aspiring fields, many have become enveloped in their schoolwork or are working towards their careers. Some have life-changing events happen to them, some for the worse, some for the better. It simply became a matter of priority that many people have had to leave the development team.

If there is anything I cannot stress enough, it’s the fact that developing a game with such scope like this took a lot of time, effort, and especially patience. Patience with the engine, patience with each other, patience with in-compliant software, and patience and with the development process. I for one want to thank every one of you who were patient with us, and believed in us. The community breathed life into us and kept us motivated- we were always doing it for you guys. I really feel like we let you guys down. But sometimes one has to face the music and move on. New beginnings come from other endings, and you can bet you will see great things done by the members of our development team in the future. Not only did we possess talent, skill, and an eye for aesthetics, but also a lot of passion.

After much discussion and internal debate we have decided to release our code base much as it is now. Although its a far cry from a final product we felt that releasing what we created back into the community would allow everyone to see what we accomplished. Our intent with this release is to allow the community to take a peak at what we have completed as well as hopefully use, play, and learn from our work.

Finally, we want to thank every member of this community for all of your hard work and support. You the community are the reason we started this project. You were the driving fuel that kept us motivated throughout the countless sleepless days and nights. You should be proud of your contributions to this project. I know every member of this development team feels the same way as I do when I say thank you for all of your hard work and support. You are the only reason we made it as far as we did.

The RenWerX Development Team

Ascension Download Links:

Mirror1 (Online @ 3:30pm)

** NOTE: I virus scanned the main DL links and posted mirrors before zipping it up. To the best of my knowledge its clean, but take any precautions you see fit we are not responsible if anything happens. This is a naked release, license and warranty free, use it as you see fit. Hopefully someone can have some fun with it or find some use for it.

Feel free to mirror and distribute this to anyone you want. Post mirrors in this thread and Ill try to maintain an official list. If you have any problems, need any help, or have any questions feel free to ask.

You might also want to join us on IRC as hopefully we can get some games going. Our IRC info is server: irc.darkmyst.org and the channel is #RenWerX.

Allow me to just say:


p.s.: to the Ascension crew: I told you you were failures, shoulda listened to me
Is anybody really surprised? The guys who made the original Renegades in both t1 and t2 are long gone. It's just a few leftover guys like Priml1 that don't know C++ from javascript.
What engine was Ascension using?

they also had the incredibly smart habit of applying every single engine update through development, and every single one of them broke some of their existing functionality

I pointed out to them that maybe they should stick with a version, develop the game on that, then update the engine and do one big round of fixes, but I guess that made too much sense

They claimed the engine was too buggy/shitty.


they also had the incredibly smart habit of applying every single engine update through development, and every single one of them broke some of their existing functionality

I pointed out to them that maybe they should stick with a version, develop the game on that, then update the engine and do one big round of fixes, but I guess that made too much sense
They were constantly developing for the latest, least stable engine release.
Dear Ascenson Family,

It is with great sorrow that I have to announce that your grandfather has passed away. There were a few obstacles to keeping him alive, such as him being 132 years old with kidney, liver, spleen, lung and heart failure, but we plowed through some of those.

On paper he should have recovered just fine, and his condition improved in leaps and bounds. Recently, he only needed to be hooked up to one (not two) dialysis machines, and sometimes he would convince the staff neurologist that he was not in fact brain dead.

But then reality got in the way. His condition worsened, no doubt because he was stabbed, shot and raped by a HIV-positive, H1N1 infected psychopath. It became a matter of priority for the doctors whether they wanted to give him CPR 24/7.

After much discussion and internal debate, we decided to pull him off life support. Our intent with this was to cease this mockery of medicine, keeping a man alive with methods that have been described as "pointless", "intrusive" and "borderline necromantic".

We are now releasing his bodily remains into a dumpster behind the hospital. Please feel free to take a bite. We know the rats will.
And the award for worst graphics in a game goes to...
One time they released an update with screenshots that looked worse than T1 (not kidding). I made a post with 3 screenshots of games that came out around the time they began development, and then the 4th pic was one of their fugly screenshots. No text at all, just the 4 pictures.

You don't want to know how much everyone got their panties in a bunch. :lol:
TGE/TGEA/T3D are extremely buggy.

They probably applied the fixes to fix some of the many bugs in the engine.

It's funny because T3D was still getting a ton of bug reports in when they decided it was 'final'.
One time they released an update with screenshots that looked worse than T1 (not kidding). I made a post with 3 screenshots of games that came out around the time they began development, and then the 4th pic was one of their fugly screenshots. No text at all, just the 4 pictures.

You don't want to know how much everyone got their panties in a bunch. :lol:
you've really been hunting that rabbit a long time, haven't you?
you've really been hunting that rabbit a long time, haven't you?
I was the only one around there to call them out on their fucking retarded delusions, and they kept telling me I was just being mean and negative

well guess what, I was right :finger: