DMT- Who's done it?


Veteran X
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally-occurring tryptamine and potent psychedelic drug, found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body where its natural function is undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and other psychedelic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenin (5-OH-DMT), and psilocin (4-OH-DMT). DMT is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism[1] by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Many cultures, indigenous and modern, ingest DMT as a psychedelic in extracted or synthesized forms.[2] Pure DMT at room temperature is a clear or white to yellowish-red crystalline solid. A laboratory synthesis of DMT was first reported in 1931, and it was later found in many plants.[3]

Share your experiences.

My first experience with the drug was pretty amazing, I was in a pretty shitty situation at the time, and not really in a good mood so I was afraid the trip would turn sour, but it just didn't. It was an amazing visual trip, that left me feeling as if I had discovered "the answer" with such overwhelming force. Now of course I didn't come out of it literally thinking I had the answer to something, but I definately had that FEELING. My Pee turned colors, the carpets and walls were breathing, and the most awesome part of the first trip was I couldn't see peoples faces, they were just blurry skin colored blotches on bodies.

My Second experience was an amazing one as well, as this time I smoked 5 or 6 times, as opposed to once and all in a short period of time. It got to the point where I was actually more interested in the visual hallucinations I was having in my mind/third eye. So I would just close my eyes and watch, then after a few minutes my conciousness would seem to be THROWN into my body and I'd fall forward open my eyes and breathe in really heavily, as if I'd just come back to life. Then relax sit back and close my eyes again. Very trippy, very awesome. I highly recommend it for anyone who has experience with other Psycadelics, it completely blows LSD and Shrooms out of the water. While with LSD you are getting a more mild all day type of trip, same with shrooms, with DMT it's magnified x100 for 10 minutes or so.

DMT was my first experience with any sort of psycadelic.
Gotta smoke it right, if you don't, you'll never choke down enough to get really high.

Seems like the prefered method is with a lightbuld, hose, and cork.

Wish i did that with my expirence, cause that shit is HARSH on the lungs.
i think i'll stick with shrooms

also, there's no way it blows shrooms out of the water, you must be having some shitty shrooms or not eating enough because people can go completely batshit insane on them, and when you reach that point of insanity, there's really not much farther you can go
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I've smoked DMT on 3 separate occasions; each time I had an overwhelming feeling that something crazy was going to happen, like my mind was about to blast off. But, that's all it ever was.

I'm still searching for some quality stuff.
Been around about countless different people smoking it at different times. From watching peoples reactions I've noticed how different it can be but the user is almost a completely different dimension for about 3-5 mins then returns. I've tried salvia and it's similar in that it lasts not very long. but from my friends comparisons it (salvia) is much more intense and much more scary. I've used LSD & shrooms as well and I can say confidenty that salvia was a lot crazier (complete loss of reality and self) than both and fortunately only lasted a short while. DMT has never been any of their first psychadelic experiences but it seems to be many of their favorites now.
i think i'll stick with shrooms

also, there's no way it blows shrooms out of the water, you must be having some shitty shrooms or not eating enough because people can go completely batshit insane on them, and when you reach that point of insanity, there's really not much farther you can go

Visually it did, plus it didn't make me sick.
i think i'll stick with shrooms

also, there's no way it blows shrooms out of the water, you must be having some shitty shrooms or not eating enough because people can go completely batshit insane on them, and when you reach that point of insanity, there's really not much farther you can go
embee we used to grow shrooms - i assure you shrooms don't even touch a DMT trip in intensity. shrooms have DMT beat with respect to length of trip however
really? how much more intense can it get beyond the point of completely losing your marbles, which shrooms can certainly do.