Time for Change

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Veteran XV
With Wrath launching, I think we all deserve an admin that is active on the boards as well as someone who isn't a complete idiot.

TseTse was active back in the day, but never showed any real subforum leadership, our boards sank to new lows after the Account Trade debacle of 06. We also struggle weekly with the greatest threat to our freedoms, ShOrTy BoI. It's time for change, and I think I can provide it. As a person of color I feel inspired by Obama's blackness and also his winning the presidency and whatnot.

I therefore nominate myself, with Blotter as my running mate. Together we will clean up this forum. Yes we Can!

Or make Pessi do it.

i dont have any desire to take on responsibility

but i am definitely supporting this change!
You are my white figurehead running mate who won't really offer anything of value except helping placate the crackers.
Thank you for making my pending nomination and acceptance a sure thing. You will not be missed.
didn't zeph show his cock for a beta key? I don't want a cock-exhibiting admin.

Besides, a vet4 should have no such power, think back... would vet3's have given a meber adimn?

I've nominated myself in the past and will do so again. I'm a maverick after all.
Vote for JC, the wildcard bitches

and yes, zeph is a well documented homosexual who shows his genitals for the purpose of video games
ok, what problems, other the Shorty Boi (I don't know much background on that, thread info where i can see stuff that should be bannable?). I still have the ability to delete threads and, when i'm in here and get a reported thread, i do delete them. Or if i see that it is spam.
hes just a shady account flipper

not sure if there has been a specific incident, its just the frequency that he posts a new account for sale is suspect. obviously they arent his, so there is some concern.
hes just a shady account flipper

not sure if there has been a specific incident, its just the frequency that he posts a new account for sale is suspect. obviously they arent his, so there is some concern.

ok. If there's anything specifically he's done (sell to a TW user and then used the security code to get it back)...basically scam, i need to know and i'll definately ban him. I still have the banhammer stashed away in the bank. :D.
FWIW, you don't want me as a mod.

I'll either A) Ban 3/4 of the posters. or B) Do nothing. Neither of which seem to be what you're going for.
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