Webbots are predicting something for October 7th


Half Past Human - The Future

This will be especially true in 2008. The detail layers suggest vast changes across the whole of the social order on this planet. And on other planets in our solar system as well. Leaving our solar neighbors out of the picture for just now, the details suggest that meta data levels of activity here on Terra will combine to produce alterations at such levels as to affect *all* of daily life in this next year. It will start and end with food production. From large scale changes in weather/climate patterns which will devastate the growing of food crops, to coast changes growing in [presence/affect] over the year, the [planet in peril] meme will dominate. Other impacts on food production will come from the expanding [dollar death] meme, and its impact on energy costs, and thus food supplies globally. Further impacts on all other parts of the social order will be felt as well.

It is possible to lift out whole layers of meaning from the concealing jumble of the patterns of the pre-creation ripples from future events. Now we can note that the very last gasp effort of the 'dominator' culture will be expressed over 2008 and 2009. These 'control freaks' otherwise variously described as 'illuminati', and 'cabal', and 'Bilderbergers', are going to be using *every* effort, that is to say, *all* their energy over these next 2/two years to attempt to [restrain] the [loss of control] which are implied by emerging future patterns. That the effort is doomed to fail will not deter them from wasting vast quantities of the planet's dwindling resources in the attempt. They are truly desperate people now. And the data sets point to the [desperation] rising at a very rapid rate from the [vernal equinox, spring] onward.

The modelspace that we use here at HPH suggests that 2008 will be a very interesting year indeed.
They were on Coast to Coast the other night, it was fairly interesting. They specifically said that October 7th kept coming up as an important date, and that Mid September leading up to October 7th was a build up. After the 7th is a release, so something happens on or just before the 7th of October which will be worse than what we have seen so far.
So, are they using the internet to predict the future? I see problems with this already.

The idea is that everyone is psychic. We see into the future and collectively adjust the language we use to speak in terms of future events. That is the basic premise, and they have been very accurate up to this point.

of course, they cannot predict exact events or dates for the most part, but as I said, they have been accurate. As I said, China has one of these, and other countries/organizations do as well. There is definitely something to it, although what that is remains to be discovered.

I guess we will have to wait till after October 7th to see what was meant by this big release.